Hey, and happy new year to every body here! I searched the forum, and saw different types of post for my question. What I am looking for, is a profile for Death Knights Start Zone. I just want to know if there's someone available from 55-58/60. I saw somebody saying No, there's no profile - And somebody saying yes, just look at you HB install folder. I eventually checked my HB-flolder, and saw no .xml file, but lots of .cc files. I actually also saw people talking about a Nesox file or something, but yet without luck. So - Just a last post about this; Is there any profiles for Death Knight starter zone? Or is it under development, or... What? Again, the forum didn't give me much help, sorry for being redicolous. Greetings, asamohT
Check your Featured Profiles folder, its a default folder inside Honorbuddy. File is named DK Starting revised by Nesox.
Thanks for your quick reply! I tried to check the Featured Profiles folder, but without no luck. - Then I searched once again, and saw a new release of HB Christmas edition or something. Downloaded and saw, a profile there. The thing is, I thought I had the latest version, since it updated some days ago. Maybe I'm wrong and been drunk, sorry. But now I have the profile, thanks mate! Cheers and HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Greets, asamohT!
Thanks guys! I found it within the LATEST release of HB, even though it just updated automatic. This thread is now S O L V E D!!!!!
Anyone tested the DK Profile lately? got probs with "How to Win Friends And Influence Enemies". Toon is just Grinding around but dont finished the quest.
Just a thought but if you are using AutoEquip2, it wont equip the sticks needed to finish the quest. Thats what happened with my last DK at least