Hi.. Im having some issues with ArchaeologyBuddy and Questing. While it runs some profiles just fine, it just wont run some others. It try to download Mesh files but all i see in the debug window is "Timer 'Pulse' does not exist" and eventually my wow will log out. I have arelog but it wont handle disconnects like this. How would i go about fixing this endless problem i have? Regards, TIA
Heh in this case it wont. Ill just beep nesox on msn tomorrow. or ill just rip my hair out or something..
I get this with AIMLBuddy, Pulse screws it up and the thing doesn't auto-reply to whispers, it just keeps spamming Pulse errors. Something to do with a Null Reference Object.
If the Pulse() method in a plugin/CC references an object, and for some reason you get a object that is null, you may get a NullPointerException in a Pulse() method. However, to be sure what is actually causing the error, the log is valuable, as the entire C#-error message is there, telling you exactly where the error is.