Bumping up a problem in one of my profiles where the bot does simply not want to interact with target either by normal pickup, interactwith,basicinteract useobject. These things don't work for some odd reason, could someone help me figuring out whats wrong in there? Totem of Ruumbo - Object - World of Warcraft is the quest npc.
Not sure what your problem is, this is how it looks in my profile: PHP: <PickUp QuestName="Ruumbo Demands Honey" GiverName="Totem of Ruumbo" QuestId="27989" GiverId="206585" GiverType="Object" X="3854.473" Y="-1322.416" Z="211.9353" /> Make sure you define the GiverType and add a XYZ. Would be good if you could say if it's throwing any errors or not.