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Whispered reported

Who Hates people who report

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So the bot reporters have struck yet again, well to be honest the best thing you can do is A. quite botting or B. keep botting. I do have to agree with all the people though that botting is not for the faint of heart it is what it is. now i do got a question ?? if my account get banned which it probly will eventually and i get another WoW account which i would eventually do i need to buy another honorbuddy key or will the same key be good. hell i might get three more why not well worth it and the damn thing pay for it self.
i think il got whispered many times while botting my chars up but i dont see it i use badboy and i putted it on lvl 85 only a gm could whisper me just get badboy and let them talk you cant see it just ignore them and dont be afraid of them!!!
I was using IB to run a few low level dungeons yesterday and I had another toon comment" Is "so-and-so" a bot?" Just from the movement and facing of my character I guess. I happened to be at my keyboard on another account at the time so I quickly hit the stop button and took over and said back "a bot? Well let me just take a look see...nope, nothing but me here on my crappy laptop connection". Got an LOL out of the group and we went on from there. I normally run dungeons by hand when I am leveling (and quest/arch in between) or I use Lazyraider and a decent CC but I was busy working on some other stuff and decided to let IB take over for me. Normally the only whisps I get are" can you help with CoC?" or "are you a tank?". I don’t answer these when I get them on my main toons so I don’t care if they get answered on a bot either.
I had a similar story in TH just a few days ago while skinning. some idiot whispered me and said i was botting and he was reporting me. and he whispered my char i was doing pvp with, (i tend to do this by hand since i was bored anyways) next thing i say "Nah, shes just plays wierd". and i went back to my char and saw i got alot of whispers. i simply said i was ignoring him because he made assumptions that i was breaking blizzards eula and i was not. I just dident feel like replying his sorry ass. and i told him to bugger off and i put him on ignore. Usually its only just fat words and no action by the people in wow. They might report you, but most of the cases they are just flashing their testosteron in your face to see if you got balls. Please make a mental note of my avatar before you reply :D
Example of this(True story):

(Trade) Swizzie:WTS Few stacks of Ore
(whisper) level 85 paladin: How many stacks?
(whisper) Swizzie A few, how much you need? I dont sell that often i just let it stack up in my bank then sell when i have no room.
(whisper) Level 85 paladin Well i will buy whatever you have, i need a ton of ore.
(whisper) Swizzie Well lemme look, 50 stacks?
(whisper) Level 85 paladin Sure thats great!

Ore is traded money is paid,...........15 seconds later:

You have been disconnected from the server.

This account has been closed.

There is just no way that charqacter is a GM. that must have been just random that it was right after a trade, first.

A, trading is NOT against the UELA, therefor you can not be banned for trading ore like that. if the train contained a larg amount of gold it could have been an automatic ban that comes when you trade huge amount of golds, i have seen it, but only on trades 200k+

B, Blizzard clearly states that they will never ever contact you in a way that you do not know it is them, this to prevent scams.

c, There is many that does exactly what you did and does it without a bot and never gets banned for it.
well as said a made up language. Like:

Den milaeo anglais avese.

It kinda looks like it makes sense but it doesnt. Or try ancient greek.

LOL.. even that sounds amazing. that sounds like something you just spit out lol. I cant be a**** to learn a new language just to please whisperers :D
Also if your reported, start playing through a vpn call blizz the next day and tell them you've been hacked and cant log in.
true story:

player: bot?
me: ofc lol

you have been disconnected from the server
true story:

player: bot?
me: ofc lol

you have been disconnected from the server

I gather you got the account back after asking Blizz "WTF, I was just joking... If I REALLY was a bot, I wouldn't have answered... duh!" ;)
I gather you got the account back after asking Blizz "WTF, I was just joking... If I REALLY was a bot, I wouldn't have answered... duh!" ;)

I have a pretty funny answer to this question (which I'm not gonna share for obvious reasons).
I hardly ever bot when I can't supervise (that said, I bot from work as well as from home) so I catch the odd whisper right away.
Same when I'm AHing and someone complains that I undercut them within seconds.

A smile goes a long way, and if you're nice, they won't bug you.
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