Right click the desktop/wallpaper click personalized (Last option in the context menu) Then scoll down and pic windows 7 basic or windows classic (may not help, but if you have a 3rd party theme it may have changed a few things. so classic would be your better option) Oh hai there tony ^.^
I honestly have no idea what is causing that issue then. It screams font issue, but we've just covered that. So I can't think what else it could be, I've also searched Google to try find simular issues, but nothing came to mind. He's never used the bot before, so has no profiles ect.. loaded, so most likely won't know how to start the bot running to seem if it even runs. But the fact its starting, and initializing would suggest the bot is perfectly fine.
if everything else is good dont bother you wont type your key every time anyways or you have this problem on other Hb windows as well?
No khurune, i used this bot before. i use it from one week and today it starded giving me this problem
Installed any new programs (mainly antiviruses since.) // I'll leave you in Tonys capable strong hands.
if its not a font problem i cant think anything else can you restore your windows on a previous date or something
Tony you are too good at this lol @Khurune - thanks for the help I know it sucks when you can't figure it out, I've had to leave it to Tony a few times.