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  • Lazyraider - Titan Arms

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Shaddar, Dec 29, 2011.

    1. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      That wouldnt work with Titan Arms because Overpower has a lower priority than Mortal Strike and other different spells. And Taste for Blood procs very often so it would constantly switch between Berserker and Battle stance delaying some of the spells to be cast which leads to a major drop in DPS. Although as Daorigin said, it might be a success if you make it stay in Battle Stance as standar, but add a macro to slam & mortal strike.

      This wouldnt make the battle stance rely on the buff "Taste for Blood" to change. Although sorting Slam might be an issue. Mortal Strike however wouldnt be problem to add Bersker stance too.
    2. lathrodectus

      lathrodectus Member

      Sep 13, 2011
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      First of all thanks for this great CC, you've been putting up a lot of effort on classes section lately and I really appreciate that hard work.

      I'm sorry if this is already covered within your CC. Does it check the time left on Taste for Blood buff?
      Although it is a 9 second buff, it refreshes at the 6th second. (5 second internal cooldown but due to Rend bleed ticks in every 3 seconds, refresh takes place in the 6th second of the current one)
      So to get the most out of it, overpower must be used within the 6 seconds of the proc. But should be delayed if Mortal Strike is coming off cooldown shortly allowing the use of overpower afterward within the 6 second timeframe.
      Implying this logic would guarantee more Mortal Strikes with the given period.

      That is also the case with the stance dancing, It's a highly improved playstyle with marginal gain and basic concept of going battlestance for OP&Rend only, or going Zerker for MS&Slam wont work. Because in most cases it delaying the use of MS.
      Many players gains a feeling of this over the time spent while playing arms. So just adding stance macros to abilities like MS, Slam, Overpower and Rend works for them, some also aware of the situation train themselves to use it that way.
      I'm not raiding for a long time but checked it on my warrior and seems like these are still valid.
      I'm sorry I cant link any source for this atm.

      Keep up the good work.

      PS: Your approach, staying always in Zerker except for Rend&OP is valid but will be a better improvement only with the above conditional.
    3. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      That was alot to read :D a good read though :) I wasn't aware of the IC happening the 6th second of "Taste for Blood" which can make it refresh the Overpower proc. However i doubt ill be going that much into detail in this CC! I feel that Overpower is being well utilized already, I'm very satisfied about the current rotation!

      I wont be making any drastic/major changes with Titan Arms in the future. It operates at an acceptable level and delivers high DPS.
      Whatever is left to configure now would be small if not unecessary things! Mind you its a simple CC and oughta stay that way:) Nothing configureable and no fancy overdone GUI.

      What im willing to do however is to remove Charge/Leap and pummel if people like to use these skills manually.
    4. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      I think if anything, you should leave it in and just comment it out and leave a note in the OP that if you want to use it to open the CC and find "x code" and un-comment it back in.

      Its useful for 5mans and stuff like that, but for raids I comment it out, and theres really nothing to interrupt in DS anyways.

      On a side note:

      With your last update (the one with detection code update) I have implemented into TS, however after Raiding DS10 last night I noticed that it was detecting mobs that were far out of range and was popping BS and SS on what should have only been seen as a single target situation.

      Made a post about this in the Titan Shields thread as well since I seen you were keeping an eye on things over there as well, and thought maybe someone else is also having this issue in DS with the new detection code?
      Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
    5. jfvibe

      jfvibe New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      First of all, thank you Shaddai for the update, i haven't tested it yet but will do when i get home from work.

      Regarding what Stree said... I had the same issue with the previous build with the aoe target detection, on Madness of Deathwing it starts Bladestorming when the Elementium Bolt spawns. Anyway i'm serious about this CC, it's so frickin' awesome that is going to be the number one reason i'll play arms warrior, i want to try and help perfect this awesome CC, i'm going to try and understand how it works and then make suggestions of my own if that's okay with Shaddai.

      Although i need time to learn some things first.
    6. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      If you check my updated add detection which i added today @ 05.57am +1GMT you will see there's no problems. Even in DS. there was simply 1 line which i had forgotten to add.
      So look at my latest update and just copy & paste into your own CC *Titan Shields*

    7. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      I just looked at the code of the latest TA update and see that there are some changed to the detection in the latest release, it appears to be trying to detect mobs within a 40 yard radius? I think 10-20 yards is best, anything outside of that gets really unstable as far as if it is actually within your range of cleave or not (be it BS, SS, Cleave, Tclap, etc) as most of your AOE's have a 10-15yard range on them.
    8. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      Ah yes, thats a minor bug as i copied it out from my mages CC. Well observed, that is really annoying indeed. Set the radius down to 10 yard not more not less. Ill fix an update immediately.
    9. jfvibe

      jfvibe New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      By the way forgot to say, that i prefer the rotation without Pummel, Charge/Intercept or Heroic Leap. Pummel is off GCD so it should be no problem if your using LazyRaider... Charge or Intercept... if you want to use it it's cause the target is offrange that means that no GCDs are being used, and since LazyRaider was created to allow more control over the character... I think it's the same for Heroic Leap...

      By the way if you're not into Stance Dancing:

      if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 20)
      Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast [stance:3/3, nomodifier]Battle Stance');");

      -> if (adds.Count < 2 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 20)
      -> Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast [stance:1/3, nomodifier]Berserker Stance');");

      Execute is castable in Battle Stance, and if you're switching to Berserker Stance, you will not be able to use Overpower. Execute is only replacing Slam.

      Kisses & Hugs
    10. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      I wouldnt call that Stance Dancing really! As it stays in Berserker stance at 20%, im aware that it doesnt use overpower while in Berserker Stance, but that doesnt worry me too much! The 20% phases are often over very quick, and slam casts 30% faster with the 5x execute stacks up, so ive basicly tried replacing Overpower with Execute and keeping Slam in as Slam should be doing more DPS than what Overpower would with a 30% haste and 5% damage increase :)

      Im very glad you ask alot of questions though, i am:) And keep asking! now and then you guys come up with some great ideas, and of course things i should edit/fix. So if you can kill my argument about a higher DPS increase with Slam at the 20% execute phase, id be more then happy to take another look at it!
      And thanks to all of you, Titan Arms has become a great CC :) So keep it up!
    11. jfvibe

      jfvibe New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      The place where i work proxys out most of the websites i use to look up stuff about classes and rotations...

      Anyway i might be saying crap here, so excuse me from the start. Doesn't Slam have a GCD or isn't the cast 0.5? So 30% haste on slam, while having the same 1.5 second wouldn't be worth it right? I don't seriously know if Slam does more damage than Overpower overall...

      The +5% damage increase for Slam comes from where?
    12. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      The 5% damage increase comes from Berserker Stance - And yes, Slam has a GCD. But when having that 30% speed increase the casting time should be very near 1 second. Overall it does more DPS nonetheless, theoretically it should at least!
      And you shouldnt only consider the 5% from Slam, but add 5% to mortal strike and Execute. The DPS loss of staying in Battle Stance is great when being at the 20% phase.

      Battle Stance = 5%+ Damage
      Berserker Stance = 10%+ Damage
      Hence the 5% increase :)
      Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
    13. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      The only thing I can see with replacing OP with Execute is possibly being so rage starved that you are unable to cast Slam. If I am not mistaken Execute uses more rage than OP?

      May be wrong tho, haven't taken a minute to look at it, as i saw this post right as i was about to go to bed. Will check later when I wake up.

      Valid points tho jfvibe, I may tweak this a bit in Titan Shield and see what results I get with your suggestion compared to Shaddar's intended execute phase.

      either way, this new execute phase should be a large improvement over the old one! lol

      Great job so far Shaddar...
    14. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      That is true indeed. Ill test it out tonight, first i need to get the Pyromancer up running then i need some food. Im starving.
    15. daorigin

      daorigin New Member

      Feb 12, 2011
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      so im reading you guys discussion but earlier in this thread i posted Execute phase - rotation .. its only Execute x5 - CS - MS - Overpower (if only your rage <= 10 and proc is up) -- this is why;
      Slaughter buff does this; After dealing a Mortal Strike, your Execute, Overpower, Slam and Mortal Strike will cause more damage.
      Slam is by the far weakest damaging move you have, and this buff makes all other moves superior to damage in < 20 % range. AND in 99% of situations you wont be rage starved in execute phase.

      ultimately Executioner isn't there to buff your Cast Slam time, only to give you faster white swings which we all know Opportunity Strikes is amazing reason why we are never rage starved to begin with
      Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
    16. jfvibe

      jfvibe New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      Overpower only when rage <= 10 ? Then what do you fill with those overpowers and slams from the normal rotation ? Execute ?
    17. daorigin

      daorigin New Member

      Feb 12, 2011
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      yes cause Executes will do more damage, and crit for twice the amount of those slams/overpower will- as well it keep less worry bout keeping your Executioner buff. just keep cs up n use MS on cd - dont take it from me, go read several guides. its how i have all my customized CC's setup as well.
    18. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      As I have no time to test this out now, I would love to get some feedback on this code.

      if (Me.RagePercent <=10 && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Taste for Blood") && SpellManager.Spells["Mortal Strike"].CooldownTimeLeft.Milliseconds > 1000 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <=20 && !NeedStackExecutioner())
      	Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Overpower');");
      Open "Titan Arms v.2.2" in C# or Notebook/Any Txt program.

      //////////////////////////////////////////////Execute Phase here//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
      if (Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Taste for Blood") && SpellManager.Spells["Mortal Strike"].CooldownTimeLeft.Milliseconds > 1000 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <=20 && !NeedStackExecutioner())
      	if (CastSpell ("Slam")==true);
      		Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Slam! <<");
      if (Me.RagePercent >= 60 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <=20)
      	if (CastSpell ("Execute") == true)
      		Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Execute! <<");

      if (Me.RagePercent <=10 && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Taste for Blood") && SpellManager.Spells["Mortal Strike"].CooldownTimeLeft.Milliseconds > 1000 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <=20 && !NeedStackExecutioner())
      	Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Overpower');");
      if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <=20)
      	if (CastSpell ("Execute") == true)
      		Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Execute! <<");
      And save it.
    19. jfvibe

      jfvibe New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      Hmmmmmm i have your CC updated by the SVN and i don't find the section you're asking to delete :D

      P.S: I'm giving significantly less dps with this CC but the AOE Detection is top notch now! I'm guessing you need to rethink how you changed the execution phase :p

      P.S. 2: Maybe i'm not giving less dps, but it feels like it's not using mortal strike on CD or not waiting like 0.5 secs for the cooldown.
      Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
    20. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Hey Shaddar,
      Hope you don't mind me posting this here, but I have built a DB for interrupts in all Cata dungeons (normal and heroics) and raids (10 & 25 in both normal and heroic modes).

      I have removed (commented out) the interrupt code of Titan Shield in v1.2.1[BETA] and suggest you do the same. If you would like to keep interrupts that only interrupt on spells that MATTER. I would suggest adding the following guide to your OP and advising users to adopt the "Interrupter Ultimate" plugin with my DB for their interrupting needs!

      The "InterrupterUltimate.efaultDatabase.cs" found in the attachments below is to be used with the plugin Ultimate Interrupter. Download and install the plugin from the link provided, then download the attached file on this post and replace the default file of the plugin with my version (the attached file on this post).

      This DB covers ALL Cata dungeons and heroics as well as 10 & 25 versions of raids in their normal or heroic modes, and is still viable in PVP as well!

      *Note: Install the plugin in your HB > Plugins folder, then use the attached file on this post to over ride the default file in the plugin!*

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 11, 2012

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