Got some awsome results with this CC. My all time record with current gear to dummy over 10 million damage. 5million damage. 29.6k DPS 13million damage. 28.6k DPS All i can say that these numbers are looking rly good. When adding smooth working stance dance to that. All i can say that PEWPEW! I will do Full DS LFR run soon as i can and i will post the results here.
Harder better faster stronger! Anyways have my warrior at 82.5 as of now, when I get to 85 will definitely test this out! Definitely knowing when to taunt off the other tank would be sweet as well as a good rotation of CDs and if you don't want to implement the CC knowing when to taunt off adding an option to not taunt at all (Similar to that of the Deathstrike DK Blood CC) would be nice, that way you aren't grabbing aggro at a bad time and screwing the raid over! Just my 2 cents as I think of more and test it I will get back to you!
Tested this compared to Titan Arms, and Singular Arms. My Results on a Target dummy where as following: #1 Singular: 41.34K DPS #2 Titan Arms: 37.81K DPS #3 Titan Shield: 36.86K DPS So this has been tested till 4 million damage, where as Singular scored best of all. It seems singular outbeats DPS by a lot, what is different from Titans CC's to that of Singular can you tell?
I don't have ShieldWall in the Code to be used automatically and this CC is meant to be used in current end-game raid content (regular raids, not LFR cheese wizz). You are expected to use your cooldowns at very specific times in accordance with the other tank, so having the bot pop a CD for you is almost a guaranteed wipe on most fights. I may add a line in that can be un-commented out for those who want automated CD's for heroics and non end game raiding. Being made for LazyRaider tho, the user is always at their PC when using the CC (or should be). As for Shockwave distance, I am looking to make some changes with that in the next update, as well as some detection things I need to get with Shaddar about after my DS 10 raid last night.
Hey Shaddar since you seem to be keeping an eye on things over here as well I wanted to let you know that in my DS10 run last night I had noticed something with the new detection code. It is detecting mobs that are EXTREMELY far away for some reason. Nearly every fight it was spamming adds even tho there was only 1 mob within 10 yards of me. Ultrhraxion, Spine, Yor'Sajh, etc are all fights that it would spam logs saying there were ads and it would cause the Arms section to start popping BS or Sweeping Strikes on single target bosses. Have you been able to test your latest TA detection code in raid? Thanks, let me know what you think it might be or what could be easily changed to fix.
Update and further testing information: Just wanted to let everyone know I am working on updating the Arms section to reflect the changes made in the latest Titan Arms release, and will continue to look into better interrupt logic for this CC. May also be making updates to the detection code as there is an issue where its detecting mobs that are far out of range, causing it to sometimes activate AOE rotations when it should still be using Single Target rotations. Last night I did some further testing of the CC in DS10 in both Prot and Arms and here are my results. - Morchok (Heroic Mode) *Prot*: Tanked very well and had great threat throughout the fight once it got past the initial pull phase. - Warlord *Arms*: #1 on meters at end of fight amongst a group that has several who rank top 100 for fights on WoL. - Yor'Sahj *Arms*: Finished top 3 on meters, was a neck and neck race between a hunter, warlock, and myself. - Hagara *Arms*: Finished top 3, again a neck and neck race between a hunter, mage and myself. - Ultraxion *Prot*: Again, great threat and smooth rotation. This is one of them fights that you have to very specifically manage your cooldowns and work with the other tank in the raid to swap back and forth between cooldown usage. - Warmaster *Prot*: Same results as Ultraxion. Very clean tanking. - Spine *Arms*: This one was a bit of an issue, had some issues with adds being detected from to far away and it popping AOE CD's liek BS and SS and cleaving. This caused some DPS output when all DPS was to be stopped on the target. My DPS for this fight was very low because i virtually did nothing. The DPS of our raid group is very high and if I was to even attack during the first amalgamation, it would die long before we got 9 bloods to come out. Generally when I attack and someone else sits back, I top the meter on the fight. - Madness *Prot*: Great threat and quick demo shouts for improved dmg reduction on impales. This fight is the main reason for there being no CD's used in the CC for prot. This fight requires exact timing and usage of your CD's to survive impales as well as to assist your raid with the burst of AOE that occurs on the 4th platform via the Bolt (I use Rallying Cry right before the Bolt hits, which can sometimes be a life saver for those who weren't topped off on heals before it hit). Overall: I am very pleased with the CC so far and have a better idea of what needs to be improved on within the CC after doing this run. This is the first run of DS10 I have done using the CC. The fact that it had no issues tanking a heroic mode boss, is very pleasing. To Do: - Fix the Detection code so that it is no longer detecting adds that are out of range, thus causing AoE rotations to be used instead of single target. - Add a range check to Shockwave to prevent it from being wasted on charge or on movement towards boss as entering combat. - Improve Interrupt logic for 5mans and possibly other lower end raids. - Tighten up the rotation a bit more for Prot. - Update Arms section to the new Titan Arms release.
I hope you dont mind me writing this! Set the add radius down to 10 at the detection code, and get the new line i added in my titan arms update! Add Code: Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 10 to the Shockwave spell!
I actually had the Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 10 on the line, but it didn't work. I am about to try Code: if (IsTargetBoss() && Me.Location.Distance(Me.CurrentTarget.Location) <= 10 || Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast) if (CastSpell("Shockwave") == true) Logging.Write(Color.LightBlue, ">> Shockwave <<"); PS: I have no issues with you writing any code suggestions here at all.
Pleased to announce that Titan Shield 1.2.00[BETA] has been released for testing! Change Log: Time to go to bed so I don't sleep the whole day away later. Looking forward to seeing test results!
The distance part wasnt your prob... it was the " || Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast". This statement is not tied to a distance. What you had was... (IsBoss and Distance) or (Casting and CanInterupt) try more like this... (Distance and (IsBoss or (Casting and CanInterupt)))
HMM, The code I posted there that you quoted was what I just added to 1.2.00 release to see if it would work better than the way I had been doing it in the version that the issue was reported in and I have observed it in. So Code: if (IsTargetBoss()(Me.Location.Distance(Me.CurrentTarget.Location) <= 10(Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast))) in Visual Studio the IsTargetBoss() is showing error: Method name expected and the <= 10 is giving error: Method name expected I will look into doing it as you suggested once I get some sleep. Been a long night at work and I have no food in the house. Need to get up early to go to store later. Thanks for the suggestion! Ill let you know how that works.
Try Code: if (IsTargetBoss() && (Me.Location.Distance(Me.CurrentTarget.Location) <= 10 && (Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast))) That should work. The two errors you get is because you forgot to put && between IsTargetBoss() and (Me.Location...) the same happened with ...(Location) <=10 and (Me.Current.....)
Titan Shield 1.2.1[BETA] is ready for testing and has been released! Change log: Code: - Updated range detection settings for Shockwave. This should fix the issue with Shockwave casting while out of range. - Added statements to Shockwave to also be used as an interrupt on ads whom can be stunned. - Arms Execute Phase updated. - Arms rotation priority updated *testing some things*. - Interrupts (Pummel) has been commented out of the CC. *see below for reason why* Interrupt Removal: I have decided to comment out the interrupt section of the CC in both Protection and Arms specs because it was unreliable and was wasting Pummel CDs when they were needed elsewhere. I have created a Database (DB) that contains information on all IMPORTANT spells that should be interrupted and could possibly cause wipes. This DB is to be used with the plugin Ultimate Interrupter. Download and install the plugin from the link provided, then download the attached file on this post or the original post and replace the default file of the plugin with my version. This DB covers ALL Cata dungeons and heroics as well as 10 & 25 versions of raids in their normal or heroic modes! *Note: Install the plugin in your HB > Plugins folder, then use the attached file on this post to over ride the default file in the plugin!*
Thanks for catching that for me Shaddar. Didn't really have time yesterday to get on and check stuff or do much testing with the next update I am working on.