why don't you just make a BIG If over the whole combat rotation for the don't-interrupt-my-fucking-channeling-thing?
and pyroblast is struggling a bit... try something like: Code: if (!PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak")) if (CastSpell("...") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> ... <<"); for nearly every single target rotation abilty so that the other abilties will only be cast, if you fired your pyro^^
Pyromancer v2.2 Update. Pyroblast (Hot Streak) Fireball Scorch Living Bomb Evocation AoE Rotation Moving Rotation All of the above has either been improved, removed or altered.
Doing DS25 right now ... Will posts results / logs later. Had some problems with trash at the start, and during boss I had to manually apply Living Bomb, because it wasn't doing it by itself. Still did ok DPS for my gear level. Posting the log, the first part was on a dummy, and it worked perfectly, where the problems started is already Dragon Soul. Great job so far.
It doesnt apply LB decently when other mages have already the debuff up on a boss for example (which is almost everytime you play with another firemage) This code doesnt do it: if (!TargetHasDebuff("Living Bomb")) It has to check if you yourself put that debuff on the target for this to work in a multiple mage situation. Cheers for a nice cc.
I dont agree with Tenoch oh the Combustion part, its doing a hell of a job on casting it on the right time.
@Trenoch don't know what you smoked... but the single target rotation works great... and the message comes up if there is more than 1 mob... but on 2 mobs it don't use the aoe rotation @borkat don't talk about things you don't have a clue about... this function IS only looking for YOUR debuffs... @all the aoe rotation isn't working very well atm... if you don't want to aoe, just comment the section out... i think it isn't easy to write a perfectly working aoe rotation... EDIT: sorry borkat i looked over the code... it was changed till the last time... you were right EDIT2: i corrected the LB bug and commented out the aoe rotation EDIT3: Missed something. now the bug is fixed
This CC is really GREAT! Works like a Charm. German Support would be nice! Maybe you can work with Spell IDs instead of Spell Name?
maybe you use the english client? xD because the german client sucks? xD mal ehrlich... eisenschmiede donnerfels? anstatt ironforg und thunderbluff? xD und was f?r vorteile hat denn bitte der deutsche client? mit dem englischen client versteht man wenigstens die ganzen profi abk?rzungen schneller... ich sehe absolut keinen vorteil im deutschen client [/German] xD
sry i don't and i would never give any support for other languages but it isn't my cc... and i hope for you he will add your wish
Change CastSpell function PHP: public bool CastSpell(string spellName) { if (!StyxWoW.IsInGame || !StyxWoW.IsInWorld || Me.IsCasting || !SpellManager.HasSpell(spellName) || SpellManager.Spells[spellName].Cooldown) { return false; } if (SpellManager.HasSpell(spellName) && SpellManager.CanCast(spellName) && !SpellManager.GlobalCooldown && !Me.IsCasting) { SpellManager.Cast(spellName); Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(SpellManager.Spells[spellName].CastTime)); return true; } return false; }
No, that will just bring back more problems that he got rid of. And why would you want it to sleep for the castingtime? There is no reason to check if it has the spell, and then if it can cast, since cancast already checks that. Not to mention you have redundant checks.
Just a few questions before I start using this CC. I know zero about a mage. First, can you recommend the best glyphs to use with the CC? Second, is fire very gear dependent? My mage is in mostly vicious pvp gear but I'm gonna run him through LFR to try for some gear. Thanks
Pyromancer v2.3 Update. Pyroblast (Hot Streak) Scorch (Critical Mass) Living Bomb AoE Rotation (Blizzard) Adds detection code TargetHasDebuff/TargetHasDebuffAll code All of the above has either been improved, removed or altered. You should not have to cast either scorch or living bomb manually and combustion now works properly again. I found a bug in the TargetHasDebuff/TargetHasDebuffAll code, a major bug infact. I would like to put up a little reminder aswell. Note: Any non constructive criticism will simply be ignored and removed. As i do this for free, I trust and expect everyone to behave in a civil and courteous manner. -Shaddar.
Haven't had the chance to try out to the new one, so I hope it is not in the new version (actually I do) I miss the spell fire blast at AOE fights. Is there a reason for that to be not included? What I always do manual: Start with blast wave, then I cast dragon breath if I am standing close and then I cast Flamstrike one time. If living bomb is not active on a player I cast Living bomb and else Fire blast while Impact is active. Casting Fire Blast while impact is active spreads fire dots to other mobs in 12y range Aka sick damage. After the first rotation I cast Blast wave and Dragon breath when off cooldown and Flamestrike every 8 secs (dot) Casting Fire blast when Impact is active and just popping scorchs inbetween fishing for impact procs ( only 10% ) P.S. Quick check in the new cc, you forgot to update 2.2 to 2.3
After reading many theorycrafts, this is the first time ive read that Fire Blast does AoE damage! Ill include that in the next update. But regardless of that, throwing 1x flamestrike is difficult to code as it has no cooldown besides the GCD so it'll basicly spam Flamestrike if i add that one without any restrictions. I believe i could do this with a StopWatch, although i hate that code. its not reliable at all. But since the single target DPS is near perfect, i could of course focus more on the multiple target section and try to get that right. Thanks for the great feed back Angelus, as always - Shaddar.