Everybody, Since several months, I'm developing a new CustomClass for our friends the hunters ! Hunters are one of my favorite classes. They are so mobile and have so many abilities to control its target, that's amazing. When I decided to develop this CC, I wished conserve this agility they have. For this one, I choose the Marksmanship spec I especially like. The movements of this CC are based on the jump'n shots kitting style, a well-known ability to shoot all fu*@~$! enemies by running far, far from him ! I also implemented kikuuululz engineering enchantments, trinkets, racial abilities, pet abilities and other hot pleasures. My CC is not finished, but as I like promoting my pieces of codes, I made a video (HD ofc), where HB meets some enemies in duels/BG's. I hope you will enjoy it Link : ZeHunter : A new Hunter PvP CustomClass for HonorBuddy - YouTube And don't forget ! If you like my work, don't hesitate to give me a +rep by clicking on the little star on the bottom of this post Don't hesitate to post your first thoughts here. Update : This CustomClass is available here : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/hunter/49534-zehunter-pvp-customclass-jump-n-shot.html
Cool, thanks zen. When u release this I will be using it. And I'd it works well +rep Good luck with development Edit: in the video were u using lazy raider the whole time? And was that ZeHunter in action then?
it looks really good, are you using .Face() or Click to move to do that? let me know if you need a tester or what feedback, i have a 85 hunter thats gathering dust. also. let me know when this thread isnt needed so it can be closed.
Interesting movement code you have there ^^ btw, 4 minutes into the movie: Does it realise it's about to exit a duel area and then disengage back in or is that just an "accident"?
Thanks for your feedbacks @MadDog : Thanks. The movements are entirely generated by ZeHunter. So I use pvpbot/bgbot for battlegrounds and combatbot for duels. @CodenameG : After looking around the different ways to accomplish this kind of movements, I saw .Face() was not enough reactive to do that. When I must shoot the enemy, I use .StartFace() and wait the bot see its target. Then I shoot and apply a CTM away. that's the fastest and most reliable way I found. Also, thanks for your proposition. I keep you informed for beta test. @Venus112 : It was random My CC does not handle this warning. It's probably because its target reached the melee range.
I hope that you plan on supporting Combat bot as well... I like doing BGs by running my bot to the node I need to support and then once combat is initiated, the bot can take over... until combat is complete... Great looking action on this! Very much look forward to seeing this in action... and then once this is perfected maybe that same type of jump shot could even be applied to a frost mage CC... *Edit* I just re-read your post above mine... you already are using Combat bot yourself... so obviously this would work with it... Very cool!
No ETA, it's really depending on my other projects @Altoids : Yeah, you can do this kind of thing with the Combat Bot with it.
<drooling> Is it done yet?? If that works as well as that video shows, this will really help hunters big time in the Bgs!
All you see in the video is fully released by the CC, but not enough stable to release an open beta. Keep in mind all footage in this video are the best I could record. I still have to correct a lot of bugs/unattended situations.
I can imagine... I'm not sure if you can ever prevent it from running into a trap (let's say in AV, running down an area that there is no way out and becomes trapped by mountains)... BUT... it should 1) realize when it's coming up to a fence, rock... whatever and jump over it... and also know that if it tries to jump and turn at this point that it will launch itself right off the hill/cliff and not do it... maybe run along the edge... but yea... I can see where that would take work.
Looks awesome! Im sure people in BGs are going to be really frustrated when you release this and 500k hunters instantly start using the movement and pwn people.
Watching this now, would love to get my hunter all set for pvp. Can't wait! This + BG Buddy = pew pew