"Ignite!" is a buff you get that if you cast on current target, will spread all DoT's on that target onto the other mobs around it. It's actually very beastmode if you have a proper fire-mage doing it. I've seen many times all mobs Living Bombs exploding, and all crit-ing. It's nice. I'd have to do some testing, but I want to know if when you cast Flamestrike WoW places an object on the ground that does the AOE damage, but is non-targetable?...
that's what i heard... its an object that is not targetable. would be interesting how far hb can track these objects...
If it is there, HB can find it. HB can find everything in WoW, one way or another. I'm sure it makes something there, obviously, because it has a model effect, but it would just be finding out what it actually is by Type and Id.
Flamestrike leaves an invisible persistent area aura, also called Flamestrike, its radius is 8 yards if i remember correct. I havent found a way to add this because no adds gets the debuff "Flamestrike" they just get hurt by it :S its weird really.
thats why i added the stopwatch code to my cc^^ and it works quite well except the tank is pulling the mobs out of the damage area -.- (true story)
StopWatch is really unreliable, im not going to implement that code again. I need to find another solution for it. Anyway, Ill take a look at Pyromancer and fix the AoE before writing Plagueheart today.
Could just check for that flamestrike aura on the ground (and possibly distance to available targets)... And yes no adds will get the debuff, as the same would be for consecration I believe.
I'm not entirely sure what it would be considered, as I haven't touched on "Persistent Aura"s ever. Shad will be able to figure it out sometime, and I'll do what I can to speed up his creation of the Warly CC.
he already has the permission to use my code. all he have to do is download my cc and take what he wants...
Really? oO Are you sure about doing that Mahe4? I thought you were going to release your CC in the future when you have time for it! I dont want to steal all your work.
the problem atm is, that nearly no one i trying my cc... and if nobody tests my cc, i can't get rid of balancing/rotation problems or bugs that didn't happen to me..
Its a known issue that it sometimes double casts Living Bomb as I have yet to find the correct code to prevent that from happening. However when you're saying "5 times" i know you exaggerate. Keep it real. -Shaddar.
Why would I lie? If anything, its doing it more than 5 times usually. Am I a competitor trying to ruin your profile? No, I am trying to improve it but if you are going to be ignorance towards bugs I guess I cant help you. Good luck
I never claimed that you were trying to ruin my profile, i never said you were a liar either. If people cant respond to your posts without you going all nuts, like you just did. Dont bother comment at all. Seriously, just calm down man.