Sometimes, when there is an internal bag error or something like that, the GB window will say "Crafting complete" and stop. Can you make it so it will just hammer the macro button without stopping unless i press stop?
How would it be any different than having the crafting button where it is now? I am just suggesting crafting not stopping unless the user presses the button again. Or at least give it a bit more time for lag etc.
Post a log where it fails and I'll fix it for you But it has to be able to stop by itself when the job is done.
I will provide a log in a few minutes. Maybe you could add a check to see if there are still mats in the inventory and unless it's empty, keep pressing baby EDIT: I attached a log but can't see how it would help you. It just says crafting stopped, but there are more herbs in the bag. Hope it helps you anyway.