I'm using the profile that ships with HB "(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Horde\(GB2 1-50)(Durotar.Horde)Herb&Mining.xml" to try and get mining up on an alt account so i can start farming but my character just loops through all the hotspots and totally ignores the nodes, heres the log:
get the latest PB version via svn the info you need is here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...nbuddy-profession-leveling-bot-plus-more.html and the svn guide here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/26031-videoguide-how-svn-jvidia.html
How come the update function of HB2 isn't updating to the latest PB? I only just myself realized that there were a separate svn for PB and upadting to this version solved som issues for sure. So thank you for enlightening me Tony.
Im also having this problem, SVN update didn't fix it for me. will post log. EDIT #2 working fine now magically.