As the title says 1-300 Herbing and Mining NO mail NO repair Curteousy of Kick finding and converting Tony's old GB1 profiles to GB2 =) Yes, I did ninja add myself - because I am AWESOME! - Kick
Each profile took me about 1-1.5 hours (at most with 280% flying mount + guild perk) to get to the max skill. I did wpl until max, then badlands for 20 minutes - then the last profile =) after that i loaded bengans bc / lk / cata profiles because i was lazy
post your log here so we can check whats wrong
hey man, i am looking for a Horde version to gather for my herb/mine 1-300. Is there any profiles on here like that? I cant find any
hmm,if you cant find any low lvl Horde Gb2 profiles you can check at Gb1 section and you can convert Gb1 profiles to Gb2 using this plugin
Oh, okay thanks, ill take a look then. I was just looking for a profile that does 1-300 in one profile. like different zones after a certain level or after some time.