Im not trying to get credit here! Im just here to say that Singulars Arms warrior CC is atm THE BEST Arms warrior CC there is atm. It doesnt do Stance dance yet since it has been not modified or updated in some time. I took the liberty to fix the rota for 4x T13 to MS -> CS -> OP -> Slam. And it lacks good Execute phase rota since it just spamms the execute. The basic rota that Singulars Arms warrior does is Perfect. It just needs the fix on Stance dance and execute phase. I hope there will be update in future since im doing stance dance by hand while using this. Example DPS from MoD. I did 78k DPS on LFR Madness of deathwing with tunnelvision dps style. I was like Hands up all of the fight single target DPSing and only thing i did myself was to move the platform and AoE slimes. I hope this brings more notice to the potential of that CC since its clearly even better than truemans none stance dance rota. No offence but it just is. So what im trying here that singular would release arms warrior only CC here with some updated rotas and so on.
Best Raiding Arms Warrior CC (TrumanWarriorCC edit) does this already and stance dances , has a proper execute phase rotation as well.
Your CC?s stance dance somehow pauses for like 0.5 secs when it swich stances. and i have pulled Shitloads more dps with my edited version of singular than your CC. Actualy my edited singular does more DPS than any of these Arms CC?s here in Warrior section. i pulled 51k in MoD with your CC and ended up 60k with singular. and there was no special DPS bursts on any. your CC is good but it needs polishing still if it was the best.
There is someone who had made the fix on arms warrior rota in singular but i think its not yet been implemented on singular. If im right raphus needs to make new release to get it work. Been waiting that fix there for awhile now myslef since i dont know how code these things.. i can only edit some small things. But new titan arms is working "decent" Tho it prios OP over MS what is not good and doesnt do Stance dance what has been issue for all the CC?s in here. Truemans arms CC is close but its "slow" for somereason. Stance dance aint THAT huge dps increase.. but hey DPS increase is always an INCREASE and that is all we want to make MAX dps. So there is kinda lack of "motivation" ppl to do THE BEST arms warrior CC. It has to be done with the Max DPS or nothing attitude. Not like these "Okay im fine with this CC its does decent DPS but not the Best" I want someone to make the Arms CC with the attitude "I dont care anything else than it must do best possible DPS there is or im not releasing it" If there is someone up to this task im up for testing it. I have been raiding with Singular, truemans and titan arms. Im raidingh DS heroics with it. And so far Singular has been best for those tho titan arms is fairly good behind. And i have been raiding ALOT. PS: Sorry for my english. Its rubbish i know. And for ppl who wana test Good arms CC without stance dance with little effort. download singular and open the Warrior ARMS cc with notepad and change the places of Colossus smash and Mortal strike. So like MS is above Colossus smash. Like that it prios MS > CS. So it wont spamm CS what is DPS loss if oyu all the time refresh CS when it had only 1s uptime.
I've been using slightly modified (I've moved MS up the priority list) singular arms cc with raid bot for a week now and I'd say it impressed me. It also stance dances just fine.