Hi, I just returned to WOW and botting after year and a half break, ever since my ban The new bot system seems amazing, so far it works much much better than what I remember it was like. Now I'm trying to skill up inscription, and to save my life... I can not figure out or find any bloody useful profile to get my herbs milled, honestly, never had anything as complicating as trying to get few herbs milled :S for 2 hours I've been trying now to get some of the profiles working, but nothing seems to have any kind of result. I redownloaded HB and tried just running milling profiles through questing, but just keep getting random errors like no quest order. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone explain an old idiot how to get milling and inscription started o HB before I shoot myself haha Thanks in advance, Elf!
Allrounder Get this plugin (download with SVN) http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/15982-plugin-prof-allrounder-does-everything-professions.html When you start hb choose combat bot then load this profile View attachment Blank Profile.xml and enable allrounder and choose your settings if you want to mill , prospect , make inks etc. then just click start
Haverdaden, I love you so much now you can't imagine Thx so much, after 2 hours of messing around, it works like a charm! Tony, thx for info too