Hi this is for level 85's only as theres no prompts and just flys in and trys because of this is should also work for hordes. I've tested this once and i dont write profiles very often. This will not get the one in Teldrassil manually get that go to darkshore then start it You will find the Durotar a pain in the ass as most classes AOE the flight master. Also noticed that in XR Thork calls guards constanly hope its ok for you EDIT:- I'd like to add im sure CodenameG's will be much better i just got bored and wanted to see how hard it was. The structuring was used from CodenameG's profile and i went and got all the cords and stuff so thank you CodenameG
Testing as horde, will edit after I see how it goes. Edit (5 minutes in): No good, doesn't interact with the elders, flys in, clicks em fails and flys on to the next one. Edit 2 (10 minutes in): ACTUALLY, this works -- I had to change my CC back to singular, it seems to be going alright now -- will post back later after I see how many it actually completes. 3/3 that I've watched now. Edit 3 (20 minutes in): Probably no good for horde unattended, combat stops it remounting. Edit 4 (35 minutes in): 13/14 (7 left) so far only Astranaar was a problem (Stuck in combat with guards) -- Make sure you have StuckHelper or something similar as it got stuck twice so far. Edit 5 (52 minutes total) COMPLETED [HORDE] -- Full run took about 52 minutes, Mostly unattended 1. Profile got stuck in combat at Astranaar about 15-20 minutes in so keep an eye on it for that. 2. Profile got stuck 2 times -- 1x In Feralas, 1x in Tanaris -- StuckHelper sorted it out though. 3. Missed Gadgetzan when I was in Tanaris... but when back for it after it did Silithis -- a little inefficient but who can complain about that. Thanks a ton +rep
Yes i never made it for afkness more for i cba flying around Code's will probably have popups saying fly down and do it yourself.