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    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by kaiousama, Jan 22, 2012.

    1. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      I just hit 1 month since my first bot got started up. I slowly expanded to over 20 bots this month. 10 of them are up to 85, and the rest are about a week off. Multiple bots with more gold on their single account than I ever had playing legit for 5 years.

      The latest round using Kick's profiles, with only a handful of times getting stuck (generally due to HB having problems pathing back to a corpse underwater).

      3 accounts banned in that month, all of them I linked back to using a public Uldum profile on high population realms, all of which got unbanned. Since those bans all the bots are running fully custom gathering profiles with private buyers instead of auctions, with 0 issues and most get higher nodes/hour than public profiles due to less competition from other bots.

      I'm extremely happy with my purchase, and hope to assist in testing future developments for both WoW (IB2 & BGBot2) and SWToR soon!
    2. Bayoya

      Bayoya New Member

      May 12, 2010
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      Nice man
    3. InLikeFlint

      InLikeFlint New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Congratz man, nothing like hearing someone else is really taking advantage of what this bot has to offer!
      Few Questions on your success:

      How did you make your custom private profiles, did you just do random circles on the map?

      What precautions did you take to not get banned? i.e Plugins, ARelog, schedules etc for those would be nice

      When you expanded did you spend real $ on xpacs and game time or the gold you farmed?

      Do you sell your gold? If yes, private buyers or the chinese sites

      How do you expand across servers?

      From your leveling which profiles did you find most successful for speed and for afk abilities? Or do you use something besides questing..if yes please specify!

      How many computers do you use to run so many bots?

      On a normal basis what do you have the bots do? All farm...PvP...Professions...Selling...?

      What are your future plans for your botting empire?

      Thanks so much in advance and I hope to hear more stories as you continue to expand and get the rest to 85
    4. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      1) How did you make your custom private profiles, did you just do random circles on the map? I looked at GatherMate overlays, and compared them with what Routes draws (most current public profiles are just RoutesBuddy imports with a few nodes shaved off). Then reset the routes, and drew more focused paths that hit a few small density zones. So instead of looping around the entire zone, I hit a few key spots. Much more like a player. Technically your herbs/hour should be lower, but since most bots run public profiles, I'm dealing with less competition.

      2) What precautions did you take to not get banned? I run my bots on 3 different computers, each computer is using a VPN in a different city on a static address. The bots now sell to private buyers only (maybe 10-20 auctions a day tops). Most bots are paired with a gathering and crafting profession, rather than dual gathering professions. The bots currently only run while I'm awake (so ~12 hours a day). They bounce between zones manually, rather than on timers, though I'm working on some multizone custom profiles next to automate the process.

      To keep the accounts from being tied together as easily, they're all registered under different names, birthdays, etc. They all use time cards. Tying the accounts between VPNs is literally impossible, so at most Blizzard could only tie one single computer worth of bots together. Based on what I've seen, Blizzard does not do IP-based analysis very frequently, since my experience and most other reports on this forum show that individual accounts are banned while others run on the same computer.

      3) When you expanded did you spend real $ on xpacs and game time or the gold you farmed? So far all the bots are running on copies I paid with real $. I have not yet exchanged any gold for RL money or CD keys. I'm waiting til I've earned enough so that if I manage to get hit by a full IP ban, I can replace all those bots and still have a bit of profit leftover.

      4) Do you sell your gold? I have not yet sold any gold. I'm looking into chinese buyers due to the ability to sell in bulk (1m+ at a time). I'm also working on my own website since I run a VPS hosting business, and also have a decent amount of web development experience including PayPal integration and shopping cart designs.

      5) How do you expand across servers? Every bot runs on its own server.

      6) From your leveling which profiles did you find most successful for speed and for afk abilities? I used Kicks from 1-60 on all bots. Most of them I stop midway through Outlands and use ArchaeologyBuddy until 84 or 85. My latest batch I'm going to see how far they can go with just Kicks. They are mostly AFK the whole time, getting stuck just a handful of times (normally due to dying in water).

      7) How many computers do you use to run so many bots? 3 computers at this time.

      8) On a normal basis what do you have the bots do? All my 85s are currently in pure farm mode. With BGBot2 I may alternate PvP and farming to make them less botlike and upgrade from the 377 blue pvp gear to epics.

      9) What are your future plans for your botting empire? I have a decent amount of money to invest, so depending on how things go after my first sales, I may expand to somewhere between 50 and 100 bots.
      Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
      m0rf0 likes this.
    5. InLikeFlint

      InLikeFlint New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      What type of computers are you running them on? Do you have a separate job or are you always around to check up on them? Do you plan to make this your main source of income? I am eager to hear when you sell your gold, how much you sell and what price you get for it! Do you have any sort of profit/day thing per bot, or at least an estimate?
    6. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      I build the rigs myself. A lot of RAM, solid state drives, i5-2500ks, and high end graphics cards. These are basically high end gaming computers. CPU usage when running gatherbuddy profiles is generally under 50%, and GPU is barely being utilized at all. I use 2 1080p screens per computer so I can quickly glance at all bots running on a machine to see if they're stuck while leveling.

      I have a separate job. I've been mixing up ways to monitor them from work. Teamviewer is nice for getting them unstuck, though lately I've been just using a program that takes a capture of my screens and uploads it to a private webserver, so I can just refresh a webpage and compare the two most recent shots to see if something got stuck.

      I've recently been getting into a lot of tech-based sources of income (bitcoin actually made me more than my day job last year, I run BTC Guild if anybody here is a bitcoin miner). Virtual currency trading has been an interest of mine for over a decade, and I'm finally in a position where I can put an actual investment into it to see where it takes me.
      Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
    7. InLikeFlint

      InLikeFlint New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      How much did it cost to build these custom computers? How much were the screens? How many bots do you think would max the computers usage?
    8. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      Roughly the same build as mine (I mixed and matched a few parts):

      CoolerMaster HAF922 Case, AMD HD 6970, 16 GB ram, i5-2500k, ASUS P8P67 PRO motherboard, CoolerMaster Silent Pro Gold 800w PSU [could shave of $50-70 on this] = $1,135. Add on two HP LED 1920x1080 screens for another $260.

      The nice thing about the build is it has incredible resale value (you could probably sell it for more than you paid for the individual components). It is a gaming rig capable of playing any game you throw at it, and the CoolerMaster 922 case can get a good premium from gamers compared to a generic black or beige box.

      Questing profiles tend to hit the CPU pretty hard, but if we were talking about level 85 gathering bots, I'd say this build could run 20 without a problem. Of course running that many on a single computer is probably excessive and would hit you pretty hard if Blizz linked your accounts together by IP/hardware.
      Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
    9. arczi19

      arczi19 New Member

      Mar 2, 2010
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      This is quite interesting read, especially this part: Most bots are paired with a gathering and crafting profession, rather than dual gathering professions. The bots currently only run while I'm awake (so ~12 hours a day).

      How much gold on average do you make a day (per bot)?
    10. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      Won't have good daily gold numbers for a few more days, just started up the private buyers on a few of them which has made the income much more stable compared to AH'ing and crafting things to sell. I'd say they're make a minimum of 1k/hr, maybe closer to 2k/hr on some servers.
    11. kacetado

      kacetado New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dude nice story :) i wish i could have that empire too :p

      i sended you a pm so when you can check it plz :)
    12. Ama

      Ama New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      lol you get a lot of sleep :p
    13. Bayoya

      Bayoya New Member

      May 12, 2010
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      Wich VPN programm you use?
    14. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      Well, they don't run every waking hour, but I do try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep :). I suppose lately they've been running longer (closer to 15 hours a day).
    15. kacetado

      kacetado New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Did you receive my pm mate? reply me when you can mate :)..

      keep your empire going :) and would love a SS from your rig / your screen displaying the bots:p

    16. kaiousama

      kaiousama New Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      Well, took the picture for some friends, but I guess it works for here. The servers are for one of my other projects :).

    17. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      Ha, made me laugh. All curtains are closed, WoW posters everywhere.

      Anyhow, nice. I currently only bot 3 accounts (I would bot 5, but... too cheap to pay for more sessions on HB)
    18. kacetado

      kacetado New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      was a really nice picture :) what an empire you have there :p

      all botters dreams are on that picture for real ^^

    19. Dimsal

      Dimsal New Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      Interesting read indeed, thanks for taking time to answer all questions too.
      Hope you make good profit :)
    20. mansellboi

      mansellboi Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thats an epic set up bro!!! Im excited for you, goodluck with your empire!

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