Dunatanks CC for arms gives me around 4-5k more dps then this CC on dummys, have not tested in raid yet.
Raid dummy? very hard to believe seeing as the priorities on Dunatanks are all messed up. basically dunatanks has OP > MS > Slam > CS and almost level uses heroic strike
Awesome CC!! 2.5k+ difference on raid test dummies. Would be nice if u can have a look at Fury aswell. Thanks for this.
It should, and does only apply rend once. After that mortal strike refreshes rends duration. Post a log please
Yes works better for me anyway, think they letting a new one 3.0 out this week to or what ever its called and hoping to try it out and se if it works even better. And yes always tests on raid dummys. I am gonna do some more tests on both and se how they work out with better gear im not that good equiped atm mostly new hc gear
Hey wownerds. Im sure it not intended to do it, but Dunatanks has no conditions in place to tell the CC to NOT switch and used OP if MS and CS(if no debuff present) is off cooldown, with how you have it coded if you are in a sutation where MS and CS arent on cooldown and OP is available it will use it first. Unless you add a condition saying to OP ONLY when !CanCast("Mortal Strike") and something to the effect of (!CanCast("Colossus Smash") or !Me.TargetHasDebuff("Colossus Smash")) it does not know to prioritize.
Just finished DS10 with my 1.2 version and did 51k on Madness of Deathwing. I am pretty happy where it stands now. I am going to respec and begin working on updating Titans Grip Fury until next weeks raids.
No, it will still be the best available. In the future(possibly by the end of the week) I will include a check-able option on weather you have 4pct13 or not. Unfortunately, I am not the original Author of this CC, so language it out of my control.
What all settings should I select for normal raiding/heroic dungeons? and from what I noticed with this cc, stance dancing is such a decrease in DPS because as soon as it switched stances..it tries to do an ability, fails and waists 2 seconds doing nothing and the DPS drops by 2-3k.
AoE, cooldowns only ability it does is overpower, and go into your wow options > interface > combat and adjust custom latency to 200. should fix the issue of it not using overpower, post a log as well please.
Done it as arms warrior i've got a few pointers Pointers: Even though you've enabled cooldowns, imo CC should really only use Recklessness on bosses. Adding something like (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Level == StyxWoW.Me.Level + 2 && (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Elite || (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.CreatureRank == WoWUnitClassificationType.WorldBoss)) This way CC wouldn't use recklesness every time inner rage is up Even with battle shout enabled, it tends to use it too little. Imho you'd want to use it a bit more than only when it falls off
1.3 Changes Created a bool to detect if a target is a boss, and will only use recklessness on Bosses. added a condition to use Battle shout when Rage <50 and major abilities like OP CS and MS are on CD.
Hi, AoE detection is broken. Don't know if it just broke now, but it's not working as intended. It happens a lot the CC starts the AoE rotation when there is only 1 target in range. Ty
Only fight that you should have this issue with(from what I know) is Hagara and Ultraxion. simply turn AoE off for these fights(possibly Blackhorn as well)
dont judge this CC from the raider targets guys I was barely pulling 17k, I wasn't really feeling it all it was off timing and stuff but when I tried it in a 10 man raid I pulled 22-25k single 30-33k aoe rotation with stance dance (ilvl378) just try it out in action
Singular 10mil dam = 16160 DPS Titan Arms 10 mil dam = 18856 DPS Yours 10 mil dam = 19022 iLvL - 383 Pvp shoulders and belt rest either boe, lfr and dungeon gear 2 set t13
I gave this a try tonight and on both the target dummy and bosses in a LFR I popped into it kept trying to spam Hamstring. The option for Hamstring was left unchecked - however half way through I did tick it to see if it made any difference, but it kept using it regardless. Just a fyi