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  • Suggestion: BuddyBot PvP/Instance Network

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by sadisticelysium, Jan 24, 2012.

    1. sadisticelysium

      sadisticelysium Banned

      Dec 24, 2010
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      So I was thinking earlier today.. wouldn't it be cool if honorbuddy could make use of RealID to make bg groups and maybe instance runs? You would think it could be fairly simply implemented into your login and monitoring systems.. idk, never done anything that large.. but for instance the network could match heal specs with dps's and such, both for better bgs and for faster dungeon queues then could get the InstanceBuddy system going full force. You could put a setting for it in the gui and to enter your email address, this would be used by the server to have the other person's char add to realid for cross-server invites, so nobody outside the system would have access to them unless they used a keylogger maybe.. anyway.. the system could just pool them into a list like a torrent tracker then place them as it wishes.
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the only way PVP and Instances work is, if there is a real player guiding the group though the dungen or whatever, so for instances its a complete fail. not only that, but really you can only trust yourself. botters report other botters all the time, there's nothing stopping them from sending a PM "Hey this real id Group is full of botters" and then everyone getting banned, not only that, but theres a whole network service component your proposing that would be to much of a pain to implement for the small upside (if you can call it that) it would have.
      its a non-starter.

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