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  • Sub Spec - Singular

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Obliv, Jan 20, 2012.

    1. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Yup. Working great with the new BG Bot too. I'm running BG Bot for an hour for testing... then probably a grind profile. I'll have the update done tonight. For now, the latest version posted here can get you started. It's really simple to upgrade.
    2. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Added SD on SS... now just trying to figure out the Hemo debuff. It's got the same name and ID for both debuffs... yay.
    3. valiliv

      valiliv New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      you are looking for this: Hemorrhage - Spell - World of Warcraft. it's 24 sec bleed. the regular hemo debuff Hemorrhage - Spell - World of Warcraft (60 sec) will almost always disappear immediately in a raid since it's overwritten by stuff like Mangle.

      ill be raiding a bunch next couple days and will come up with some more suggestions. I can't find ANY other functioning sub PVE raiding CC so this looks like our only hope.

      if you are testing things yourself on a dummy you can get this addon: Ovale Spell Priority - Buffs & Debuffs - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse, and then copy paste this entire script into it: PvE subtlety raiding rogue Ovale script - Articulo Mortis - Dunemaul-EU Horde Guild - Guild website. The rotation it gives is pretty close to the most perfect possible sub rotation for raids, and if your CC follows it as closely as possible, at least for the major things, you're set.

      another thing i would suggest is giving a choice to activate shadowdance manually (on many bosses you really need it to go off at certain points for burst, not on CD), and triggering the engi glove enchant for every dance (they are both 60 sec cd)
    4. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Excellent feedback, thank you! I'll be working on the PvE side heavily now. PvP is "getting there" and honestly for BG farming is more than enough.

      I can add an option for Shadow Dance to enable / disable. If disabled, I'll still make it so that if you hit it manually it'll burn other cooldowns. Once again, thanks for the suggestions and I'll definitely be looking at those scripts.


      Most likely no update tonight. With the post above detailing PvE, I'll be working on the PvE and testing before releasing. Don't worry, it'll be up soon enough.
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
    5. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Is this for use with the default Singular CC? or the SVN updated one?
    6. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Either should work, however, I always use the latest SVN.
    7. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Gotcha, tyvm for this CC! far better than the rest in pvp. Cant wait for some updates!
    8. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Updated. See main post for change log. It was almost a complete rewrite of the PvE section so I didn't include everything. :D

      Have fun, post bugs. I have NOT tested this on the last 4 of DS, however, on the first 4 w/ ALL PvP gear, no enchants, and not reforged:
      17.9 Morchock w/ movement off
      32.2 Zon'Ozz w/ movement on
      17.45 Yor'sahg w/ movement & Shadow Dancing manually
      16.38 Hagara / w movement & Shadow Dancing manually

      If you use this on the last four, let me know what happens. Not sure if you'll Shadowstep off the ledges or not. :confused: Really interested to see how it behaves.
    9. hazard99

      hazard99 New Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      One question..
      Actually i use the normal Singular CC with Combat Specc. After the installation of your sub cc, i can also run the "normal" singular cc to play as combat rogue?
    10. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      This just adds a Sub spec build to Singular. Modifies some files, but doesn't touch Combat at all. You can easily move back and forth.

      I recommend switching to Combat on positional bosses anyways.
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2012
    11. Maxd

      Maxd New Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      I'm new to HB but i've running this rogue cc as it seems to be the best one by far. but i got one problem. it just stops attacking target after like opening and dpsing for abit. just runs away from target and goin to whatever BGbuddy says. anyone else having this problem? maybe just me who missed something in the setup or? Appriciate answer ;)
    12. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      adding the engineers glives on every shadow dance would be nice, the orc racial on every other shadow dance and the troll racial on every third shadow dance :) will be a major dps increase
    13. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Believe it's BG Buddy. If you get too far away from your "targeted location" then sometimes it'll take off running back to it. Kind of weird, but it also makes sure we aren't getting kited across the map. I'll be working on my Ret CC later and see if it does the same.

      @ Beast - Racials will be added later, thank you for the recommendation.
    14. Maxd

      Maxd New Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      pretty sure its this CC, tried another rogue CC and it didn't stop attacking target and just started running away to for example captian galv in AV or closest biggest fight etc. though this profile dps and acts better imo so would love if this could be fixed.
    15. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Test it with a different spec, but with Singular. I'd be interested to see if it does it with Combat / Mut.
    16. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      If anyone has an Orc / Troll PM me so I can have you test out the newer version w/ racials.
    17. valiliv

      valiliv New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      ok i got to test and raid v04 quite a bit with a lot of guesswork changes i made. v05 looks great, big thanks for all your work on this. ill make some comments for PVE serious raiding only (ie not afking LFR while doing minimal dps / ignoring mechanics)

      - relax requirements for auto shadowdance, its not going off very often, it needs to go off every 60 sec pretty much. lowering the "StyxWoW.Me.CurrentEnergy > 75" requirement would work, or maybe something else. this also tends to start SD just as you get full 5 CPs, which is not good. pooling energy that high good in theory for human players but the bot ends up not triggering dance waaaay longer than any human would.

      - dont autostealth, it screws with trying to prepot on countdown to pull. actually you just dont want to spend a 4 hour raid getting stealthed 1000 times :)

      - add energy reqs for spammed abilites, eg ambush: && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentEnergy >= 40

      - not sure if various CreateCombatRogueDefense abilities work in raid but if so they need to be disabled. same with feint for threat. obviously you cant blow cloak on low HP or some boss spell cast, and feint is used manually in most fights for raid damage and on HM morchok and Ultraxion so the raid doesn't instawipe :)

      - never FoK no matter how many adds :) sub has no aoe.

      - i *think* you already have this programmed: you want shadowstep to go off AFTER the first ambush of each shadowdance, like on the 2nd or even 3rd ambush (so that find weakness is up)

      - auto vanish: is shadowdance not on CD a requirement? shouldnt be. (this line: SpellManager.Spells["Shadow Dance"].CooldownTimeLeft().TotalSeconds <= 0). you just want SS cd to be up, no Find weakness of master of subtlety up, and of course not in middle of dance.

      - i dont think auto vanish works reliably atm - ambush often doesnt go off i think because the bot instantly continues to autoattack unless i go out of melee ranges first. in any case i think most serious raiders will want to control vanish manually since you can't have the bot shadowstepping somewhere at some crazy time, same as you can't put killing spree on auto if you dont want to die every other boss. In that case there needs to be some kind of FULL STOP put into the CC for that aura if possible after manual vanish. not sure if it can be done - HB /LazyRaider seems to want to continue attack after vanish.

      - hemo logic doesnt work, it spams it in between backstabs, sometimes every 5 sec, i think due to "// Only used if we don't have Backstab / can't Backstab
      Spell.Cast("Hemorrhage", ret => (StyxWoW.Me.ComboPoints < 5 && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentEnergy > 90) || StyxWoW.Me.ComboPoints < 4)," line and BS pooling to 80 nrg being interpreted as "can't backstab". it seems like it should work but doesn't, so i changed that line and now it never hemo's unless bleed is down or we are in front

      - Energy often caps at 100 waiting for 5th CP (might be less of an issue in raids), should have something to force BS at 95 or so.

      - you'll need auto tricks of some sort, to focus, ToT, or manually set target. its a huge pain trying to tricks manually thru spammed abilities.

      im attaching my file, obviously it's not meant as a replacement or next version its just to show what i changed to get raiding. (all done thru common sense / guesswork, i dont know programming)

      for the manually done abilities, I use a dance macro that also triggers glove synapse springs (engi enchant), and a premed/SS/ambush macro to use after manual vanish (i also have to get out of range before vanishing since bot continues autoattack). the "// PVE Vanish Abilities" section of the CC will also do that automatically for those that want.

      anyone know how to detarget / change targets with lazyraider? i have targeting to off in settings, but whacking ESC key doesnt stop the bot from instantly reaquiring target, and it does that if you mouse-target a friendly player too. this is really nasty in raids as often i need to stop dps, or not hit adds on the way to running someplace, or click on grid to target some player (eg to change focus). Don't know if its an HB / LazyRaider or CC issue, but if anyone knows some setting or plugin that will stop the bot from forcing targeting in combat would be awesome. if i hit ESC i want it to stay not targeted.

      EDIT: as for engi glove enchants http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/rogue/36443-apsalara-singular.html had them going off on CD. you can see the code in its subtlety.cs and common.cs. if you add some kind of a shadowdance aura requirement it should then only trigger every shadowdance.

      new PrioritySelector(

      and in common.cs

      public static Composite CreateUseHandsEnchant()
      return new Decorator(
      ret =>
      Settings.UseHandsEnchant &&

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
    18. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Excellent feedback. I can easily add most of it. The vanish logic is there, however, it seems if Movement/Targeting disabled it's not doing so. I can't tell for sure. I've actually redone most of the values from the actual Simcraft, and will be going from there. The Ovale script worked great, but it accounts for slow humans and not fast computers. :D Whew, with everything you have the next update should be quite large. Oh, and I've disabled auto stealth w/ a setting on the new version already. Not sure why that wasn't a setting before.

      The ones I'll have to figure out are the targeting (seems to happen on every Singular CC I use) and temporarily "disabling" the CC after vanish. Will be working on tonight. Thanks again!
    19. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Updated to v06 and most of the items you listed have been fixed. As always, any feedback is appreciated and as long as I have the know how I'll add everything I can (that makes sense).

      Still working on a way to stop the targeting issue, however, the only thing I can recommend at this point is to disable Shadowstep / Movement / Targeting, and back out of melee range. There shouldn't be too many bosses that require this, but I've added a lot of options to allow us manual control of cooldowns. I'm looking on to a way to "pause" the CC, but haven't found a good way to do so yet.
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2012
    20. meera

      meera New Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      i get a problem in BG's ill mount run to the target dismount stealth then attack him for abit but if ive killed or sumtimes 3/4 kill the target it will run off mount again retarget the person and run back to stealth again

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