TumBum, re-svn. Just going to have it grind out to 53 since it can't seem to get there with quests. Will come up with a better fix in a few.
Just tried this for Worgen as I saw no other on the site... Got this: The 'If' start tag on line 944 does not match the end tag of 'QuestOrder'. Line 972, position 4.
Silence, the Worgen zone does not work currently. I need to update the first post sorry for the inconvenience.
Alrighty! It's no prob really... was just looking for one as we're all lazy here... figured I'd give it a shot
Awesome work, but what im really after is the worgen start zone I pray that you will find a solution to it. I will even donate for that. <3 much love and good luck
Rukia88, Not looking for donations, but i am actively looking for a worgen fix. It's just the zone has so many mesh issues
weeeell if u manage to fix it....i will love you even more loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongtime
so write raphus/tony/hawker an email to remash the startup of worgen. dont know who does the mesh points in this team.
they are extremely busy with other stuff, I go on irc almost all the time. Raphus is currently making two new bots for HB, Apoc is Creating the Sw:tor bot with hawker and those are the only three with permission.
nesox still alive? anyway i posted in the Mesh Error threat to remash the whole worgen start zone. maybe there is time in near future some one will do.
Love the profile, but there is just one thing. I play a warlock and he keeps using soul harvest and then moves right after, every single time. Is there a way to fix this or am i doing something wrong?
Ostkakan that is a cc issue, a profile only tells the bot where to move the toon and what to do. The cc(CustomClass) Tells the bot what spells to cast and the fighting mechanics
Masacre i'm trying to expand to those regions, just takes a while and i have a lot of real life stuff to take care of first.
Heyy .. the profile is quite awesome, however, there is one major issue im having. It doesnt know how to turn in a quest. It is performing the human's starting area quests for the time being and it hasnt been able to turn in a single quest on it's own so far. Any idea where to check for errors?
Not sure why this would happen. Human start zone worked perfectly when i tested it. Do you have a legitimate copy of HB?
Running Night elf mage 1-60 right now. So far lvl 5 and everything is working. It is training, vendering, and equipping new items. If anything comes up I will post about it! Edit. Once bot got to Dolanaar, he sat at the Flight Master with the page open doing nothing. Log attached.
I'm using the draenei profile after a few quests, when he comes to the Lasher quests, the draenei runs to an area with nagas and battles them and dies, but that's not a part of the quest. Tried restarting the bot, didn't work. Can't attach log right now. Help?