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  • AltarBoy v1.0 - Priest CC (Shadow)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by spriestdev, Sep 26, 2011.

    1. ripglider

      ripglider New Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      I just wanna say, awesome work. This CC is raping the meters in LFR. I haven't logged on my priest in months and have absolutely no clue how to play a priest. I'm in 364 ilvl with some vicious pvp gear and was doing 44k on deathwing, which was like number 9 on recount. Thanks
    2. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      We take detailed and specific suggestions (like yours) seriously; and provided that they meet the design goals, we will try to get it in the code. Thank you for the positive feedback and let us know if you see anything else we can refine.

      I personally have all but stopped playing WoW, but the other dev said he was seeing 70k sustained DPS on the Deathwing fight (~395 iLevel + T13 4-piece + Legendary staff) prior to the last revision. I'm glad to see that the results are scaling well.
    3. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      I love this CC! I have noticed on occasion though that it keeps trying to cast on a dead target while it is in control of targeting. This results in it doing nothing for a while. If I manually change targets, it switches back to the dead one until eventually it decides to move on by itself. If there's any fix for this (aside from manual targeting control) please let me know! :)

      Thanks for the great CC
    4. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Hmm... that's pretty strange. Can you tell me which mobs and encounters it does this on? Log would be nice too (please tell me what time the issue occurred).

      Has anyone else seen this?
    5. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      I unfortunately can't remember which instance(s) the error occurred in, I hit 85 on my Priest just the other day and was grinding out quite a few of them. I do distinctly remember it happening during the Spine of Deathwing fight and I believe in Well of Eternity but I could be mistaken. Since the reset is today I'll be running LFR again and if it happens again I'll get you a log.
    6. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Is this a good cc for questing/farming? or is it just for lazy raider?
    7. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Now, I know this thread is currently 23 pages long, but from the very first post...

      Dragon Soul Edition

      CustomClass supporting End-game Raiding Shadow Priests
      Created and maintained by Spriestdev

      CustomClass currently intended for level 85 Shadow Priests using LazyRaider.

      - Supports damage-dealing with Shadow Specialization in dungeons and raids at level 85 using Lazy Raider.
      - This CC was design for end game content with maximizing dps as the main priority.​

      That being said, you can try it... but we will not support any issues you have. FPSware is (probably) a better choice for this kind of usage.
    8. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      If I get a second, I'll look over the targeting behaviors and see if there's any thing missing an "is alive"/"not dead" check. Do you remember if it was the Burning Tendons on the Deathwing enocounter it was trying to target? We had to get a bit creative with the logic there.


      Okay, well I think I found it. Please update to latest revision and try to reproduce.
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
    9. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Thanks I appreciate that! I just finished Raid Finder for this week on my Priest and have come up with the following:

      During the Yor'sahj the Unsleeping encounter, random oozes are targeted even after an ooze has been killed. I'm not sure if this is even possible to fix.

      During any encounter that requires AOE use of Mind Sear, the friendly target that is used is never unselected by the CC even after the AOE phase is over. The only way I've seen to continue DPS'ing is to manually switch off of the friendly target.

      During the Hagara the Stormbinder encounter, the CC attempts to cast on Hagara during his Lightning phase where he is immune to all damage. The adds that spawn around the map are not targeted or killed unless auto-targeting is disabled and they are manually selected.

      During the Warmaster Blackhorn encounter, the dead body targeting glitch occurred. The bodies being selected were Twilight Assault Drakes and Twilight Elite Dreadblades. Each were selected multiple times after they were dead and DPS was halted until I intervened.

      I have logs but I'll need to sort through them to figure out which were from my S. Priest's Raid Finder and not another character's. I'll try to get them posted at some point today.

      Thanks for your support spriestdev.
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2012
    10. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      I realize you probably started typing this before you saw my edit, but you bring up pretty good points, so I'll run through these one-by-one.

      Can you give me a better account of what's going on here? I suspect I know what's happening, but if you could give me a more detailed account, I'd appreciate it.

      Hmm.... odd. I'll look into it. Make sure you didn't accidentally set one of the tanks as a focus target.

      To fix this, we're probably going to have add some logic that detects buff that grant immunity and exempt mobs with them. The problem with this is dramatically slowing down the CC trying to pick up aura's on everything in range. We'll look into possible solutions.

      This is fixed in latest rev.

      No problem. For now, use manual targeting on bosses you have trouble with and we'll do what we can to work out the kinks.
    11. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      During the encounter, four oozes spawn and begin moving towards Yor'sahj. The raid needs to kill a single one of them before proceeding to DPS the boss. Currently, the CC will properly kill one ooze but before attacking Yor'sahj again, it will attempt to DPS the remaining three ooze (usually just one of them) until they disappear from the encounter.

      Thanks again, I will update to the latest revision and try it out.
    12. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Okay... this can be done but requires quite a bit of logic on the part of the CC. Essentially, we need to code all 6 possible combinations of oozes, then detect which combination is up, set one globule as the Focus and the rest as ignore. It's not something that we can easily slide into the current targeting system. Additionally, since different guilds/groups will deal with encounters like this differently, we also have to provide some kind of user settings for specifying the priority globule.

      If there's enough demand for it, we'll consider adding this. Until then, manually target. I know this probably isn't the ideal response you were hoping for, but when dealing with this much complexity for a single encounter, it's hard to justify the effort involved. As this CC is designed for LazyRaider as opposed to full automation, the targeting system is really just a bell/whistle to make things a bit easier on you where we can (and I still think we offer the most robust DPS target selection system of any CC across all classes.)

      Of course, as those of you who follow this thread closely are aware, the other developer on this project very well may decide to bang out the code to do this just to make me look like an ass.
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
    13. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      No problem at all, manual target is fine for encounters like that. It's completely understandable.
    14. alagondar47

      alagondar47 New Member

      Dec 8, 2010
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      Hello again!

      I'm not sure if there's anything to do for it, but there's a slight glitch in the mind spike rotation. Many times after the shadowfiend is out, the CC mind spikes appropriately, but after using mind blast, it will often mind flay, reapply vampiric touch, and mind flay again before resuming the mind spike rotation. I'm not entirely sure why, or if there's a way to fix it. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look and see if there's a quick fix.

      If not, it's still a dps increase from not using the rotation at all, so thanks again for including it.
    15. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      If I remember correctly, it will do this when you are low on mana as Mind Spike/Mind Blast is pretty harsh on your mana pool. If it happens again, take a quick gander at your mana bar and see how it looks.

      Also, a log would help. We haven't gotten a log in a while. :)
    16. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      This attached log contains at least two instances (Should be in time 6:16-6:17) where a friendly target was selected for AOE but was not unselected until I manually changed the target. This happens very frequently when there are more three targets. AOE is properly initiated but when there are only three targets remaining, CC sits doing nothing until an enemy target is manually selected.

      In another note, what kind of DPS numbers are you guys pulling in Dragon Soul? 5 mans? on the Raid dummy?

      I feel like mine is pretty low when trying to keep up with others. =\

      iL 384 have only been doing about 13k self-buffed on the raid dummy.
      ~18-20k in a raid single target
      Even only about 26k on Madness of Deathwing.

      SimCraft simulation shows me at almost 19k possible single target DPS (No active buffs) and 27k (raid buffs).

      Also, just finished reading every page of this thread. Noticed one person reported 77k on Madness, I don't even know how that's possible. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? His gear is quite a bit better but that's a large gap from mine.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
    17. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      The 77k was a number I threw out. It should have been 70k, but that number is attainable with the staff. I'll try and get a Recount screenshot for you.

      Your numbers seem really low. Can you show us your gear? (mywowarmory.com or similar for anonymity)
    18. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      I pm'd you a link with it.

      Too paranoid to post something like that since it shows exact gear,rep,professions. Would probably take like 30 seconds for someone talented (blizzard) to figure out an identity, haha.

      That site is cool, it doesn't show gems or reforging though. you can assume mine are accurate though, I followed EJ & Kilee's Shadow priest 4.3 guide pretty well
    19. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Hi this is dev #2. I can confirm the 77k dps on madness fight. Cause it was me that posted it. This week it actually topped off around 79k sustained and at the start of the fight spiked to 92k. This was in a 25man LFR deathwing encounter. With full buffs including Dark Intent and Focus Magic.

      I manually target and I keep dots on both deathwing and the tenticals at all times.

      Im in full 397+ gear with the lengendary, so any different you see is probably related to either not having full buffs, not multidotting properly or the difference in gear.
    20. Algamish

      Algamish New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      I'm not doubting that your numbers are accurate: I believe you. I am just trying to figure out what's wrong on my end, even my single-target DPS feels low on the raid dummy.

      A couple questions though, do you always manual target? Do you ever have any of the four targeting options on the first config page enabled?

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