felmaster works not like that. I think cowdude wants theis framework to detect his environment by itself but it doesen't (not doesen't but fails often). So if you want to do some PvP you have to start HB with felmaster when you're in a BG or arena (<= i can't confirm this!). If you're using the projects from wulf then he did quite a simple trick. He returns in every environment the singlerotation. Wulf didn't wrote any pvp code in it so you maybe want to try 2h Frost with Ezfrost. greetz Weischbier
My rotations are all derived from simulationcraft. I haven't looked at your Rotations/CC's..are they good? . If anything is similar it may be that I have used some singular code (which I have given credit for): Code: actions=flask,type=winds actions+=/food,type=seafood_magnifique_feast actions+=/mark_of_the_wild actions+=/cat_form actions+=/snapshot_stats actions+=/tolvir_potion,if=!in_combat actions+=/feral_charge_cat,if=!in_combat actions+=/auto_attack actions+=/skull_bash_cat actions+=/tigers_fury,if=energy<=45&(!buff.omen_of_clarity.react) actions+=/berserk,if=buff.tigers_fury.up|(target.time_to_die<25&cooldown.tigers_fury.remains>6) actions+=/tolvir_potion,if=buff.bloodlust.react|target.time_to_die<=40 actions+=/berserking actions+=/faerie_fire_feral,if=debuff.faerie_fire.stack<3|!(debuff.sunder_armor.up|debuff.expose_armor.up) actions+=/mangle_cat,if=debuff.mangle.remains<=2&(!debuff.mangle.up|debuff.mangle.remains>=0.0) actions+=/ravage,if=(buff.stampede_cat.up|buff.t13_4pc_melee.up)&(buff.stampede_cat.remains<=1|buff.t13_4pc_melee.remains<=1) actions+=/ferocious_bite,if=buff.combo_points.stack>=1&dot.rip.ticking&dot.rip.remains<=2.1&target.health_pct<=60 actions+=/ferocious_bite,if=buff.combo_points.stack>=5&dot.rip.ticking&target.health_pct<=60 actions+=/shred,extend_rip=1,if=dot.rip.ticking&dot.rip.remains<=4&target.health_pct>60 actions+=/rip,if=buff.combo_points.stack>=5&target.time_to_die>=6&dot.rip.remains<2.0&(buff.berserk.up|dot.rip.remains<=cooldown.tigers_fury.remains) actions+=/ferocious_bite,if=buff.combo_points.stack>=5&dot.rip.remains>5.0&buff.savage_roar.remains>=3.0&buff.berserk.up actions+=/rake,if=target.time_to_die>=8.5&buff.tigers_fury.up&dot.rake.remains<9.0&(!dot.rake.ticking|dot.rake.multiplier<multiplier) actions+=/rake,if=target.time_to_die>=dot.rake.remains&dot.rake.remains<3.0&(buff.berserk.up|energy>=71|(cooldown.tigers_fury.remains+0.8)>=dot.rake.remains) actions+=/shred,if=buff.omen_of_clarity.react actions+=/savage_roar,if=buff.combo_points.stack>=1&buff.savage_roar.remains<=1 actions+=/ravage,if=(buff.stampede_cat.up|buff.t13_4pc_melee.up)&cooldown.tigers_fury.remains=0 actions+=/ferocious_bite,if=(target.time_to_die<=4&buff.combo_points.stack>=5)|target.time_to_die<=1 actions+=/ferocious_bite,if=buff.combo_points.stack>=5&dot.rip.remains>=14.0&buff.savage_roar.remains>=10.0 actions+=/ravage,if=(buff.stampede_cat.up|buff.t13_4pc_melee.up)&!buff.omen_of_clarity.react&buff.tigers_fury.up&time_to_max_energy>1.0 actions+=/shred,if=buff.tigers_fury.up|buff.berserk.up actions+=/shred,if=(buff.combo_points.stack<5&dot.rip.remains<3.0)|(buff.combo_points.stack=0&buff.savage_roar.remains<2) actions+=/shred,if=cooldown.tigers_fury.remains<=3.0 actions+=/shred,if=target.time_to_die<=8.5 actions+=/shred,if=time_to_max_energy<=1.0 Having similar rotations can only be a good thing, as it proves we can both translate simcraft accurately into usable rotations
Hey Wulf , DK masterfrost DW, when raiding and someone is allready being combat rezzed and dies again, the DK will try ro rez again and keeps spamming it and no dps'ing. Could u look into it plz? Or should i just turn off auto rez?
I would just comment it out, I am not sure at the moment how to check for how many times a raid has used a battle res (Due to the limit). It was in there to mainly Burn through 5 man heroics without thinking.
I have noticed that the casting seems pretty slow (unholy DK) like almost a 2 second delay between using abilities. how can i reduce the time in between it using a ability?
Other's have PM'd me about the reaction time, whilst it performs well hitting the dummy, in raid its slow to react (So far the retribution rotation - and now the unholy). I will be looking into this very soon. In the meantime I have no quick fix.
Is it possible to write something like: Orginal: SC.CastDebuff("Shadow Word: Pain", a => SC.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Shadow Word: Pain") < SC.GCD+0.5, "Shadow word pain"), Changed: SC.CastDebuff("Shadow Word: Pain", a => SC.FocusDebuffTimeLeft("Shadow Word: Pain") < SC.GCD+0.5, "Shadow word pain"), so the cc check if the DOT is active on you focus target? Found a way but i had to hardcode the "normal" target not the elegant way^^.
As DK, how to I make it so he doesn't use 'Horn of Winter' every time Its off CD? - Looks abit suspicious and Its annoying.
Not yet, just found out about framelock and I am going to remove the detect boss logic and replace it with simpler logic. stay tuned. Horn of winter is a RP gain as long as there is nothing else to perform during for a GCD and your below say 30RP. So its not suspicious, unless its doing it outside of combat, which shouldn't be the case for my rotations.
Orly? I love your rotations, so when I saw it casting HoW whenever it was off CD, even out of combat, I didn't pay any attention to it until now, because you said it shouldn't be doing that. For me, it casts it when it's off CD every single time it's off CD, in or out of combat. It's dismounted me a few times because I forget to stop the bot when I'm about to fly, lol.
is it me, or the new HB screwed somethin with this CC ? i keep get this spam when i try to launch questing with this CC :/ help ! [10:15:48:031] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick() [10:15:48:031] Cleared POI [10:15:48:687] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at FelMaster.Classes.Warlock.Demonology.<get_Buffs>b__23(Object a) in c:\Documents and Settings\mmajczak\Pulpit\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5494\CustomClasses\Felmaster\ felmaster\Classes\Warlock\Demonology.cs:line 55 at FelMaster.SimCraftBase.<>c__DisplayClass8.<CastUniqueSpell>b__4(Object a) in c:\Documents and Settings\mmajczak\Pulpit\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5494\CustomClasses\Felmaster\ felmaster\SimCraftBase.cs:line 267 at TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context) at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
Im having a problem with using this, but only on warlock, and It seems to only happend with fighting multiple mobs in raids and whatnot, seems like CC is causing the HB to slow down hugely and freeze it up, resulting in CC not working, and HB barely working @ all, I cannot even check tabs since its going incredible slow. View attachment WARLOCK INSTANCE.zip
It was trying to Summon Felguard out of combat. You probably had no pet. Every 3 mins looks suspicious?......comment it out with //
No, Felguard was out. It's not every 3 minutes, I said every times it off CD, so ever 20 seconds it using it, which yea, does look suspicious thanks.