Hello everyone! This is more a suggestion than anything else. I?d like to see a shoutbox on the forums. This can help keeping the forum free of people who needs help with small problems, like the one I just posted, where I wasn?t able to "upgrade" my forum account. Or maybe newcommers who wants to ask a few questions about the bot. Just me 2 cents
Yea, but it has been refused a few times back on the old forums . I don't see why it would be a problem here, i think this forum supports it , would be happy to help the peeps on it =p
I was also part of the farmer john bot community and the shoutbox helped clear off the forums of unnecessary threads. Simple Q/A questions could be answered in shoutboxes rather than someone starting a new thread for just one question. Just my 2 cents.
shotubox would be the best thing to enable on the forums atm. People can communicate instantly etc. Vote for shoutbax
Here is a HOW TO. its almost automaticly! so just follow this and you will get chat http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread...ith-another-botters-here-is-a-how-to-)&p=4276
"Almost" Well, It?s more like a chat than a shoutbawx But I think the chat is better than the shoutbox
If you research a bit you will find out that a shoutbox is always the main security risc in a forum. So a clear vote for /no from me. You should use jabber or oldschool mirc.