This CC doesn't appear to use disengage, are you planning on adding this? Easy way of getting out of melee range It could also do with mend pet, pet keeps dying :/ Edit: Ok it's disengaging now ^^, just a tip perhaps, I see you wing clip then disengage, perhaps a concussive shot after that might help, as it appears this bot has trouble staying out of melee range, this could help.
This doesnt seem to be working in Bg's anymore keep getting this snippet over n over in the debug screen.
Just grabbed the latest from SVN and ended up with an exclamationmark on the CC folder and Ezmarks.cs. It doesn't seem to overwrite the old one when you update. Plus it seems to be a bug in the mend pet code. As it is in current state it will only cast if you're allready mending pet and that does not make sense Code: else if (Me.Pet.HealthPercent < 70 && Me.Pet.HasAura("Mend Pet")) { Cast("Mend Pet"); } Shouldn't it be as below to have it casted at all ? Code: else if (Me.Pet.HealthPercent < 70 && !Me.Pet.HasAura("Mend Pet")) { Cast("Mend Pet"); } Also I's prefer it not casting revive pet in the middle of a fight. It needs a combat check be4 reviving.
I think that if you've modified the file yourself that the SVN may not overrite it with a new file... cause I've seen that myself. I found that I need to delete or rename the file that I mod to get the new file.
To avoid it spamming if pet is out of range u need to add a range check to Mend Pet. && Me.Pet.Distance < 46 Mend Pet's max-range is 45 yards Also i've noticed. might just be me but... If manually pressing Feign death toon instantly stands up again. Should wait for user interaction ?
Pretty bad..the cc doesn't recognize being dead sometimes and tries to continue running arround in the battleground. With my shaman and warlock everything is fine, it is just my hunter with this cc so i think it has to do with the cc.
I must say I do appreciate the work of your CC's. Most of them are flawless. Any thought on improving the Hunter CC movement? As of now its pretty much non usable and there are no other Hunter CC for PvP that are being supported. Again, thanks for your contribution
I put quite some work into the movement logic along with how disengage works. Unfortunatlely hunters are a very complex class to bot since they rely on their ability to kite, and without being able to "see", using code this is very hard.
i cant seem to get #showtooltip Ice Trap /script TrapType="Ice Trap"; /script TrapFMode=1; To work, i've only tried it for mobs tho, and it just wont work lol. Any ideas?