I have raided with EVERY single class in the game. I've healed and tanked with every capable class. I've been at this for a while and I get bored with a character very quickly EDIT: Though, I did need a bit of a refresher on some before I could write the logic for it. Like the DK, I've been raiding on one the last few days just to get back into it and re-learn how they work.
Here is a quick Shaman UI. I've got a few things to add to it, but its mostly how it will look. View attachment 3125
Hey actually just to help ya out im pretty sure wowhead.com offers all the spell ids for every spell in the game unless hb uses different custom ones made for hb but i think thats unlikely.
Originally Posted by fpsware Yea np im always glad to help considering HB and the whole community has tremendously helped me, i just got the idea from fps message here that maybe he didnt know that. Just my speculation though.
If there are no more comments on the UIs I'll assume you don't want any more options added. I'm about to finalise the UIs so speak now.
Oh fps, just thought of a question. Do you think.. pvp mode only, if the bot sees its facing a melee class (possible?), you could allow casters to do some sort of fake cast. You know, cast, like 0.2 sec later stop cast then recast. My resto shaman gets fucked hard by kick and pummel ect. Not so much when im hand playing it. Possibly 1 tickbox for every caster in general settings "Fake Cast in Pvp?" Enabling it for all casters if you can do it. Edit, double post, fail.
Sweet How is the transition from the work you had originaly in HB1 to todays HB2 btw?, i saw some guys having problems with it.
This is looking so awsome. I just have one question though, is it possible to have the movement turned on/off in the UI? It would be great to move the healbots by hand and just let them heal.