I was seeing 20k, unbuffed on a boss test dummy(I'm going to guess, 24-26k in a 10m with buffs/flask, will get those stats tomorrow after my guild raid), I'm very pleased. Thank you for this CC and keep it updated! Item Level: 385, 2pct13 missing an enchant.
Attention! I would appreciate recieveing feedback about my CC's! For instance, what was your experience with this custom class? Does it differ from others? Whats the ups and downs? Any ideas, additions, removals or code improvements you might come to think of that will increase the performance in any of my CC's are also more then welcome! Constructive critcism is of course allowed! However there are difference between constructive criticism and destructive critcism. "I can see that Shadow Bolt has a slight delay when its being cast! However, everything else seems to work just fine." "The Shadow Bolt is slow, this is shit. You suck man.. Eventhough most of it works, shadow bolt messes everything up. I wouldnt recommend anyone to download this" If you cannot tell the difference between constructive and destructive critism, dont post at all. So which would be more useful to me? Constructive critcism is information-specific, issue-focused, and based on observations. Destructive criticism aims to destroy the target of criticism. I don't support any foreign wow client i.e Russian/French/German and so forth! The only client currently supported is the English one. You install this CC by extracting the file to your CustomClass folder inside the Honorbuddy folder. If you have any issues AT ALL upload a LOG and explain your problem, else it will be ignored.
You sir, are still amazing . I've been busy and away from wow for a few weeks, but will surely post some suggestions or compliments in the next few days
Is it only me or doesn?t it use cooldowns in v2.4? I would appreciate a explanation, cause i really miss this. To leave something positive: I fuckin love your CC buddy!
Ah yes, sorry about that! Was updating 5 or 6 cc's at a time early in the morning so its possible i forgot to mention a few changes. I removed the CD's, as it would in most cases be the best solution to use this manually.
Short question How much DPS you done with it... I used it with my Warrio (Arms, 394iLvL, 2 set Bonus), and i reached 31-35k... without HB i reached 40-55k+
Still not enough. Now this feels somewhat "slow". Still not worth to use since Singular Arms CC still does better dps by miles. Im just saying.
My dps meter says otherwise. but then again molotov or w/e his name is has been trolling this thread since i created it. As long as my dps is better with this profile -> singular, im happy. On normal 85 dummy; 2 min tested. Singular: 18190 Titan Arms: 19200
I will test this one against singular later.... cant now though...farming lovely charms and will for the next 3 weeks.....20k for no effort from the mount ;P
If you want the mount, just buy it from AH! I noticed that a few hours after obtaining it, you could actually buy it O-O! otherwise id recommend pany's profile for it! Took me less then a day to gather enough charms
This profile just really pissed me off lmao. I normally do like 24-25k on a training dummy. I got out-played by a class profile.
Titan arms > Singular Singular did like 10k dps for me on a dummy tested over 2 mils with full rage before starting it... Titan did around 20k
Very nice. Just wondering, ever plan to add stance dancing into it? Berserker Mortal Strike/Slam/CS is awesome.
Update, version 2.6. - GUI added. A GUI has been added, you can now toggle on/off: Heroic leap, Charge, Cleave, Battle Shout, Recklessness, Pummel, Bladestorm, Deadly Calm, Sweeping Strikes, Inner Rage, trinket 1, trinket 2.
OP I noticed that it prios OP over MS? Is that intended? If not it should be MS > All. But Great work with this one.