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  • Sub Spec - Singular

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Obliv, Jan 20, 2012.

    1. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Unfortunately, yes :(

      I dont think i've seen it use shadowstep either.. Its still doing the weird inside the target thing.
    2. macroon

      macroon New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      I have a question... when you stealth then use pre med, it goes straight to ambush.. but it isn't better to have stealth, pre med and recuperateTHEN go ambush since Pre med an recuperate gives us 2 combo points and starts with a heal, since that is why you pop pre med ;) ..

      EDIT: Forgot to say CUDOS on using Smoke bomb in fights now ;) that really is handy ;)
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    3. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      I agree, the problem is when we have target & movement enabled the bot goes up behind someone and stands there for a few global CDs then attacks. The issue I have with that is that it makes is really easy to get noticed. I've got an idea on changing it, but it'll require quite a bit of testing.

      Although, I did make a "slight" error in this build where it never uses CS to open. IMO that's our best opener, as it should give us enough energy right after the CS to Vanish / Shadow Dance and destroy the target. Our biggest advantage as rogues is keeping the target stun locked.

      Can you post a log again? It should be using Sinister Strike now.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    4. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      posting it now, it should upload in a sec

      It still stands inside the target. Runs back and forth a little less, and stealth's after the fight, breaks it, then try's again (cant - cooldown) and then has to do it again. Still hasn't used shadowstep.. or at least not that i've seen.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    5. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      I think the stealth thing isnt that difficult, it looks like after it's out of combat - it stealths. Loots, which breaks stealth - then tries it again (but it's on global CD) and does it all over again.

      So far, i've not seen the CC successfully gouge anything or shadowstep.

      0.8 seems to work better - so it looks like you've got things going in the right direction.
    6. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      It forces stealth if you have that option set in Singular. Some people like it, some don't. It will break stealth quite a bit (mounting, etc..) and then stealth afterwards. For leveling I'd recommend turning it off, as per Kick's advice in another thread. Shadowstep was removed from the opening... and I'm not 100% positive why. I added it back for now, unless I remember why I disabled it........

      I'm not sure why it's moving so much, but I don't really know if there's anything I can do to fix that.

      Gouge is completely removed. I probably won't add gouge since it's not as useful as opening with Ambush or CS, especially while leveling.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    7. HB9508D64

      HB9508D64 Member

      Jul 11, 2011
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      Trying it now with combat bot on a leveled toon in a random. Will report back. Thanks so much for working hard on this
    8. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Does the CC control the distance from the target? I dont know if expanding that slightly would cause it to not be stacked up like that. It's been a long time since i've played with these things, and clearly you know much much more about this than I do.

      Also, since my rogue isnt using daggers at the moment since it's leveling, I'm wondering if the movement is relating to gouge/backstab positioning. I dont know if your CC calls for that - if it's queuing that, that might be why it's so close.

      Update - after working with the new revision - my rogue has died only once. It seems to have a problem with runners though and gets itself into trouble.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
    9. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      I looked through the log, and I found one instance where ShadowStep was used, shortly before it died.

      It also casts gouge if Kick is on CD, but once it does it (and the target is stunned) it runs back and forth until the stun is over.

      Gouge example -

      "[12:13:56 AM:661] [Singular] Casting Recuperate on Chief Miranda
      [12:13:56 AM:663] Spell_C::CastSpell(73651, 0, 0xF130AB890007D598, 0) [918]
      [12:14:04 AM:502] [Singular] Casting Kick on Chief Miranda
      [12:14:04 AM:504] Spell_C::CastSpell(1766, 0, 0xF130AB890007D598, 0) [919]
      [12:14:04 AM:730] Spell_C::CastSpell(1766, 0, 0xF130AB890007D598, 0) [920]
      [12:14:10 AM:583] [Singular] Casting Gouge on Chief Miranda
      [12:14:10 AM:585] Spell_C::CastSpell(1776, 0, 0xF130AB890007D598, 0) [921]
      [12:14:12 AM:182] [Singular] Casting Recuperate on Chief Miranda
      [12:14:12 AM:184] Spell_C::CastSpell(73651, 0, 0xF130AB890007D598, 0) [922]
      [12:14:16 AM:599] [Singular] Casting Kick on Chief Miranda
      [12:14:16 AM:602] Spell_C::CastSpell(1766, 0, 0xF130AB890007D598, 0) [923]
      [12:14:21 AM:548] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
      [12:14:21 AM:548] Cleared POI"

      ShadowStep Example -

      "[12:07:50 AM:110] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [12:08:16 AM:361] [Singular] Currect target is invalid. Switching to Kurzen Elite!
      [12:08:16 AM:777] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [12:08:16 AM:777] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
      [12:08:16 AM:777] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 699
      [12:08:16 AM:777] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 25
      [12:08:24 AM:335] [Singular] Casting Evasion on Myself
      [12:08:24 AM:337] Spell_C::CastSpell(5277, 0, 0x700000004BDBDBF, 0) [855]
      [12:08:24 AM:595] Spell_C::CastSpell(5277, 0, 0x700000004BDBDBF, 0) [856]
      [12:08:34 AM:004] [Singular] Casting Vanish on Myself
      [12:08:34 AM:005] Spell_C::CastSpell(1856, 0, 0x700000004BDBDBF, 0) [857]
      [12:08:34 AM:296] [Singular] Casting Shadowstep on Kurzen Elite
      [12:08:34 AM:297] Spell_C::CastSpell(36554, 0, 0xF13003AB00089316, 0) [858]
      [12:08:35 AM:218] Eating Dwarven Mild
      [12:08:35 AM:619] [Singular] Casting Stealth on Myself
      [12:08:35 AM:620] Spell_C::CastSpell(1784, 0, 0x700000004BDBDBF, 0) [859]
      [12:08:35 AM:752] Spell_C::CastSpell(1784, 0, 0x700000004BDBDBF, 0) [860]
      [12:08:59 AM:481] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Kurzen Elite
      [12:09:00 AM:081] [Singular] Casting Sprint on Myself
      [12:09:00 AM:082] Spell_C::CastSpell(2983, 0, 0x700000004BDBDBF, 0) [861]
      [12:09:00 AM:890] [Singular] Casting Ambush on Kurzen Elite
      [12:09:00 AM:891] Spell_C::CastSpell(8676, 0, 0xF13003AB00089316, 0) [862]
      [12:09:01 AM:246] [Singular] Casting Cheap Shot on Kurzen Elite
      [12:09:01 AM:247] Spell_C::CastSpell(1833, 0, 0xF13003AB00089316, 0) [863]
      [12:09:02 AM:304] [Singular] Casting Recuperate on Kurzen Elite
      [12:09:02 AM:305] Spell_C::CastSpell(73651, 0, 0xF13003AB00089316, 0) [864]
      [12:09:23 AM:267] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
      [12:09:23 AM:267] Cleared POI
      [12:09:23 AM:366] [Singular] Currect target is invalid. Switching to Kurzen Elite!
      [12:09:23 AM:886] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [12:09:23 AM:886] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
      [12:09:23 AM:886] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 750
      [12:09:23 AM:886] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 26
      [12:09:46 AM:825] Cleared POI - Reason Player Died
      [12:09:46 AM:825] Cleared POI
      [12:09:47 AM:373] [BuddyProwl] - Pushed message!
      [12:09:47 AM:380] Activity: Releasing from corpse
      [12:09:47 AM:381] Activity: Releasing corpse
      [12:09:47 AM:382] I died!
      [12:09:47 AM:441] Activity: Releasing from corpse
      [12:09:48 AM:687] Activity: Moving to corpse"
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2012
    10. HB9508D64

      HB9508D64 Member

      Jul 11, 2011
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      Beast mode so far in v8 testing.

      Random BG
      Combat Bot
      393 Equipped PVP/PVE

      Wrecking faces. Solo'd a geared resto shaman like he was naked.

      *Several randoms later

      Cooldown usage is superb. The usage of crowd control and survivability cooldowns are miles ahead of me actually doing it. Spell interrupts, shadow step anti-kiting. I'm incredibly impressed. I'm so busy watching what it's doing successfully I haven't had time to notice what if anything it's not doing.
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2012
    11. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      Hrm. I know exactly why it used ss there but still thinking of a good fix. I need to rethink how it emergency vanishes.

      The cooldowns will be even better soon. I want to get this solo logic sorted then back to pvp. Didn't realize people would like this that much. Maybe I'll release the combat one I use. :)
    12. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      When you're good at something and passionate about it enough to update it and make it flawless - people notice ;)

      Thanks for taking a look at it!
    13. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      these things can and will bug a toon out while questing... this will also happen in zul'drak around lvl 74-76ish... so either hand quest past this or dunno send that log to kick so maybe he can find a fix for this?
    14. valiliv

      valiliv New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      wow this thread has really exploded :)

      i ran thru a bit of lfr and everything looks perfect. only thing is you may want to look at is auto shadow dance (maybe the >85 energy req?), it's still tends to wait 10-15 sec after the CD is up sometimes. whatever the advantages of triggering it at the perfect time, im sure they arent nearly as good as getting an extra SD in before the boss dies, which means as using it close to every 60 sec as humanly possible.

      as an aside I just have an observation / suggestion. I know the author has stated he wants this to "do everything" but it's also true the more dozens of issues he deals with (and he seems to respond to them all), the more confusing things get and important improvements may get delayed.

      So I'll just say my opinion: if anyone is leveling as subtlety there is something horribly wrong and it has nothing to do with this CC. I can see someone might level by hand as sub for fun or for the challenge, but people YOU ARE BOTTING HERE. So for the love of god pay 50 silver and change to a normal foolproof spec like combat, that already has numerous CCs that work just fine and burns thru mobs. unless of course obliv loves this and can't wait for the next report of why someone's lvl 15 toon can't hemo or how gouge + backstabbing that kobold isn't working quite perfect :)
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2012
    15. macroon

      macroon New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      Really, you use Combat bot?
      I cant seem to get any settings to show when I hit Bot Config.
      How'd you do it?

      Or, do you need to que up manually wiht Combat Bot? (never used it so I am asking for that reason)

      Last edited: Feb 2, 2012
    16. macroon

      macroon New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      HAHA, Gotta tell you guys sumtin that made me giggle and have faith in Obliv:

      I am in EotS atm, and I was in middle tryin to, well do sumtin to a druid, and he Typhoon'd (or Typhowned as we say here in Sweden, LOL, not really but, still a good name for it) and the little bastard (my Rogue) Shadow Steped within the blink of an eye, right back up from the abyss, to the nasty druid and ambushed, kidney shoted, kicked, and fucked him over down like it was last nights prom girls gon wild!


      PvP Report:
      Oki been running this for 5 hours now, roughly, and it is sick.. (good sick, not STD sick)
      I set the trink slot 2 to FALSE, put the medallion is slot 1 and now it is working, as far as I can see, flawless.

      Only thing I am a little concerned about is that it uses Stealth, Pre Med, ambush, hemo, Recuperate. (like it waits for get 3+ points for recup, no need to do that at rotation start).
      the best burst is Stealth, Pre Med, Recuperate, ambush, hemo, hemo, evis... n so on.. ;)
      Otherwise, like I said, BIG UP!!!

      // Macroon
    17. HB9508D64

      HB9508D64 Member

      Jul 11, 2011
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      You don't need to configure it. It's basically LazyRaider without the ability to follow a tank. When you want to completely control movement yourself this is the way to go imo.
    18. macroon

      macroon New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      Well if I start the Bot, choose Combat Bot and hit start it dont work.. cant start, so, how do it choose random BG ?

      Like I said, aint been using this so I am asking that like a n00b..
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2012
    19. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      I'd agree, sub is not the best leveling spec. The only thing I really needed to add was the Sinister Strike check if you're under 29. Other than that, the bot should behave like normal. I really can't recommend sub for leveling, though.

      The burst is outrageous at times. Once you Shadowstep, you're going to burn Shadow Dance, which triggers everything else... it's ridiculous. I'm going to be looking at the opener either tonight or tomorrow night. The whole CC was remade not too long ago, and it looks like I missed a few things in PvP. For some reason the bot refuses to cast Premed until melee range, which doesn't make a ton of sense.

      The more suggestions the better this will get. Most of my improvements come from advice from the forum, so keep it up.
    20. HB9508D64

      HB9508D64 Member

      Jul 11, 2011
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      I only just started using it myself. I'd always used Lazyraider but Combatbot seems like it spams my log a lot less with party member health and possible tank matches when I've selected not to run with one. You need to load a blank profile when you run it. I use the Mr.Fishit profile as my blank. I think kick has one on his SVN under useful stuff or whatever he's got it labeled.

      Blank Profile
      Bot Config - N/A
      Class Config - Disable Movement and configure everything else to your liking
      Plugins - Since you're controlling the bot you won't need many plugins unless you run one for say... using a racial or something. Disable everything you're not using.

      I just re-read your post and saw you mentioned choosing a random bg. If you want the bot to control everything for you, you need to run BGBuddy and enable movement in your singular. Combat bot is simply when you want the bot to do your rotation.
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2012

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