I keep getting Session Invalid today and the last 3 days. The bot logs itself out. Also, seemed like the site was down for me earlier today. Is it faults on my end? Or problems with the server? View attachment 29.12.2011_15_02 7780 Log.txt (I shortened the repeating lines with 12 hours, since I started this bot at 15:02, and it ran until 15:15 before this bug started going in loop) This happens with both PB and Questing. Help?
Session invalid means that your Hb is loosing connection to our servers are you behind of a firewall?
I do get this problem every now and then that my bot logs out itself (and says session invalid), i get it approx every 5-15 minutes or so. I have the built in windows firewall, is there anything i can do to prevent this? Really grinds my gears atm.
Bumping old thread. But I've been using HB since the beta of it and never had this problem. Now this problem showed up today and wont let me bot at all. Any ideas?