So i finally managed to get an entire set of get for my ret spec and i've tried it out a bit. I like what i'm seeing, but there's just a few things i'm looking at Exorcism is a bit slow to get casted, when it's a insta freebie (Wouldn't we wanna use this right away for more procs? - perhaps priority on Art of War exorcisms has to be quite a bit higher? Judgement might be a bit low on priority, as i went down to 4 % mana on training dummy. I didn't do the best dps in a dungeon.. But in fairness, it could aswell be my gear (isn't really the best, sitting om something like 46 expertise (so i've had to glyph for Crusader Strike) I feel like there's a little pause between attacks, but i can't see it in log (so it can just be me really) Decided to comment out the buffing of BoM (as it would not allow me to buff BoK) Great CC, just a few pointers really Keep up the good work ----Edit---- Did 2 bosses in LFR Yor'sahj: 19k dps Hagara: 16k dps Tests done with itemlevel 379 retri pala Hit & Expertise capped, gear could be better Everything is gemmed and enchanted correctly and reforged the best way possible WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles. Dont know if that's any good or not? I'd think it was a bit low, but perhaps my PC just can't perform good in raids with a bot (older pc)
I notice that while using Zealotry, it does not prioritize a CS > TV > Filler rotation thus wasting what could have been a few extra TV. I also had to disable automatic CD by removing the code. It would be nice if you could toggle that in the config. If you do have automatic CD's, consider GoAk, wait 10, pop Zealotry+AW for max benefit instead of just chaining all 3 together. Appreciate your work though, its the best ret of what is out there. Was averaging 36-38k on most LFR fights without dps gimmicks. I can usually do 38-42k by hand for reference. 389~ ilevel fwiw, Gurth + 4pc T13
Well observed! I have lots of things to do atm though so this goes to the bottom of the pile! Ill definitively be writing this up for the next update Anyway, mind you!
That i can't tell as i've only used latest revision However, after i took out all cooldowns and used in order GOAK then when stacks get up Wrath + Zealotry + trinkets That way i'm getting up to like 36k on bosses Or some of them.. (Where i dont have to swap ^^ )
UPDATE Now prioritizes CS when zealotry is active. i.e no holy power makes it cast CS, to then cast TV should give a significant dps increase. Uses all cooldowns at the same time now. i.e when using zealotry it'll pop trinkets, wrath and GOAK. Feel free to delete any CD usage within the CS file itself. Just open it and CTRL + F search for Guardian/Zealotry. Well you get the idea. enjoy.
I am an Engineer, is there anyway you can add the Use of the Glove slot, in the same way Trinkets are used? I see the comment in the CC code but I never see it actually being used in combat. I think this might be due to hands sharing a CD with Trinkets, once the Trinket is used, you need to wait 20 Seconds before hands can be used, also Hands should be used as soon as they are off CD, from Start to End
Do I have only to copy & paste this CC inside of the LazyRaider Folder or how do I get this to work also with my standard CC? I am Currently using Singular. I would appreciate any help!
hi, this cc support raidbots? i tried to search in this thread "raidbot" but couldnt find "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."
Should do. Give it a whirl and see Work on this will begin very shortly (talking next week), there's just some touching up on King of the Jungle before starting on the next CC Expect quite some changes in the future