So I started to do raf botting in mixed mode with grinding and instancebuddy, it worked fine but then after the instance they were not in the same party, so I got a plugin for that and now it works fine but after an instance or relog with ARelogg it doesn't save my role for dungeon finder on the leader account. Also sometimes the leader account will disconnect and have to restart and so the slave will not know to follow it anymore. I have leader plugin working and everything but the leader must be started before the slave for it to work for me, and when ARelog restarts the leader then the slave account won't follow it. I have sequential login chosen, but that only helps when I am first starting the bots. So my two questions are: So is there a setting for ARelog so that if account number 1 restarts account number 2 will also? Is there a way to save my role for dungeon finder?
Ah, but I was asking if there was a setting where honorbuddy would choose the role for you, what about the ARelog issue?