Decided to do a random 100k giveaway on my server I actually made people very happy and got my own little fanclub Ended up giving away 400k in two days.. o.0 [video=youtube;98_L2gbxNqQ][/video]
Awesome dude! I gave some random lvl7 1k gold one time just because he was the only other person in silvermoon and he was standing next to me at the AH.
a guy who giveaway 400k 1.- Experience botter 2.- Knows game economy 3.- Knows blizzard 4.- etc etc etc my point is, dont think saying: blizzard knows u are botter.. cuz he may be 200% sure about that, and what he was doing..
Im not afraid of getting banned anymore tbh. I have been boting for six years now, if i get banned; id say i had a good run and just stop