Run Time - You can define how many hours the shedule should run. If you want to select smaller time values, you can add points. If you want to let the shedule run for 12 minutes, you have to enter 0.2. (0.2 = 1/5 -> 60/5 = 12) im dont know where write it is @_@ wheereee @_@
getting the same error as some others here - Like "check wow.exe or run wow in dx9 otherwise arelog will not work" after the update its not working anymore
When using the schedule ..if wow disconnects, it no longer keeps within the original time frame for me, it restarts from the beginning, therefore running the bot over the intended total time for the toon to be online, very frustrating. arelog should have an internal timer to calculate the remaining time of scheduled run "#1" "#2" "3#" "#4" and so on .. so when it disconnect its finishes out the time for that session and then idles and moves onto the next block.
It starts wow but does not login to the battlenet account. it seems there is something being typed in the login fields but nothing else happens. [13:58:44:796] Starting ARelog v1.0.3.0 [13:58:44:796] Succesfully updated to v1.0.3.0 [13:59:50:438] [BNet: xxxxx Account: wow1] Please make sure that you selected Honorbuddy.exe (Discard this message if you renamed it [14:00:25:810] Starting WoW [14:00:25:818] Waiting for WoW to idle [14:00:30:588] [PID: 4028] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua [14:00:40:801] [PID: 4028] Terminating monitor on request. [14:00:40:881] All monitors are terminated. [14:01:33:747] Starting WoW [14:01:33:752] Waiting for WoW to idle [14:01:42:800] [PID: 928] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua [14:01:59:425] [PID: 928] Terminating monitor on request. [14:01:59:470] All monitors are terminated. [14:04:16:859] Starting WoW [14:04:16:864] Waiting for WoW to idle [14:04:25:565] [PID: 1560] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua [14:04:37:5] [PID: 1560] Terminating monitor on request. [14:04:37:52] All monitors are terminated.
Okay, so I'm having a problem. Might just be my computer, but every time I try to start it, it gets to the login screen, and then the game crashes instantly.
Is it possible to do this... and if so, how can i configure it? I have 2 characters on the same account: 85 Pally - used for BGBuddy - converting honor into Justice points for gear and Heirlooms & A toon I'm leveling using Kick's Questing Profile. Objective: Run Pally for "x" number of hours - then switch characters to the one I'm leveling and let that run for "x" hours. Rinse Repeat. IE - Run BGbuddy pally for 4 hours - then run Questing toon for 4 hours, 2 hour break, Run BGbuddy pally for 4 hours - then run Questing toon for 4 hours, 2 hour break (total 24 hours)
Thankyou so Much This Relogger has helped me immensely. i have an internet connection which deicdes to drop out everyone now and then and with this programme i cant run my bot all day and night. i also configured it to work with another programme i have which logs off once i have been whispered 5 times
Changelog v1.0.3.1 Please make sure you are running ARelog as administrator. (Right click -> Properties -> Compatibility -> tick Run this program as an administrator -> Apply) An issue with administrator rights has been fixed. That should fix the issues people having with dirext11 error message which is irrelevant Supports Unicode characters in character names. Sequantial login will continue logging other accounts when one gets in realm queue Logging in method has been improved. Its faster and safer. Should no longer crash wow on login process. CustomClass option has been added to Change Character task.
After i'm done with Singular and Dungeonbuddy, I will redo task scheduling system. Please don't post any issues about tasks and task management
Look up this Guide. Should help. If not, post again here.
im getting an erroe C:\Users\kevin\deskto\arelog\arelog.exe A REferral was returned from the server? its running as admin idk wat it is