UPDATED! [Fly][Achievement] World Explorer by MadDog Outlands updated to version 1.1! Now covers all missed discoverys from 1.0! Hi everyone, I have been developing a profile that will earn you the achievement 'World Explorer' which grants you the title 'The Explorer. If you run into any problems with this please put in your post. - A full log - the name of the place the profile did not discover *Work in Progress* Completed: -The Outlands V1.1 31/1/2012 -Northrend V1.0 30/1/2012 To do: -Eastern kingdoms -Kalimdor How to use: Download the profile and put it anywhere. Open HB on the botbase 'gatherbuddy2' Go bot config ->Gather-> uncheck herbalism and mining Go to the respective continent and press start. CRUCIAL: YOU MUST Start the outlands profile just inside the dark portal on the stair of destiny. YOU MUST Start the Northrend profile at Garrosh's Landing in Northrend (if you are unsure use these coordinates X="2912.59" Y="6773.273" Z="86.61661") If you appreciate the hours put into making this profile, please dont hesitate to +rep or give this post a like, its my motivation Enjoy! -MD Download: maddogs-svn - Revision 5: /trunk Use of the SVN is recommended, as whenever i make a minor fix i will SVN Commit, whereas i will not always update the files.
Kalimdor Exploration: Complete: Incomplete: Explore Durotar Explore Teldrassil Explore Northern Barrens Explore Southern Barrens Explore Bloodmyst Isle Explore Thousand Needles Explore Desolace Explore Feralas Explore Azshara Explore Un'Goro Crater Explore Silithus Explore Mulgore Explore Azuremyst Isle Explore Winterspring Explore Darkshore Explore Ashenvale Explore Stonetalon Mountains Explore Dustwallow Marsh Explore Tanaris Explore Felwood Explore Moonglade
The only continent completed as of now is the outlands, at first you will have to change the profile and go to the other continent yourself, i may make it all one profile at a later date.
ETA for northrend profile is 1 month, sorry, didnt manage to get northrend done b4 holidays as i expected, going to US tomorrow and wont have any time to finish. Ill complete wen i get back
Dont have a log as usual but this didnt work for me. It got all of zhangarmarsh and peninsula, then it just flipped around, looking for vendors. Log said looking for vendor ''xxxx'', and he stood like that for about 10 minutes. Also does some weird spins now and then.
Good to hear it got through 2 zones alright, no idea why it would look for vendors tho... ill look into it
Work is underway to complete northrend profile. Should be done soon, if anyone has used the BC profile, please tell me how t went. Was it flawless? MD
Y U NO MAKE SVN!?! Other than that, thanks for these. Going to try them now. P.S. Eastern Kingdoms is going to be the hardest, because of shit like ghostlands which the whole area is an instance and you can't fly in it/etc...
The next zone i will begin work on is Kalimdor! To check the completion of the zone just look at the second post and i will have the zones that need completion and the zones completed. but for now.. enjoy outlands and northrend!
Outlands profile now updated to version 1.1! The original version missed 6 or 7 discoveries so this profile should get them all. There is still work to be done to make this profile better and when V 2.0 is release it will be considered FULLY AFKable. Please help me out by reporting any issues you have, also if there is a spot where the bot 'spazzes' out (where it flys up and down up and down for a bit) please report where it happened so i can improve the waypoints. THanks guys, -MD