Yo , I got the problem that my bot doesnt sell anything even I set it . For example he doesnt set all the crap from the mops . I use [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] and its set up like this : <MailGrey>False</MailGrey> <MailWhite>False</MailWhite> <MailGreen>True</MailGreen> <SellGrey>True</SellGrey> <SellWhite>True</SellWhite> <SellGreen>False</SellGreen> <SellBlue>False</SellBlue> <SellPurple>False</SellPurple> Any idea whats wrong ?
[21:31:11:083] Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Coryth Stoktron [21:31:11:213] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Coryth Stoktron it goes to the vendor but dont sell or?
no ,he sell some items , but not the crap . my whole inv is full with white and grey feathers and such shit and he sells only a few items
probably these items are in protected items list for some reason also do you have any wow addon that it has to do with bags/invertory?
problem solved ^.^ how Tony says, just delete the "Protected Items.xml" file in your HB folder. but if u bot with an 85 you should put back it in your HB folder. maybe he sell then some stuff that you are needing. works fine for me now. he sold everything except, Blue, Purple and the things which doesnt want the vendor. sorry for my bad english w00t.
STOP hijacking peoples threads, you come in and make it harder for us to solve the OP's issue. ether wait or make your own thread.