I have a druid and it always uses flying form. I need it to use my swift wind rider mount instead of swift fly form. How and where do i set that up?
I did set that it still uses flight form is it glitch I restarted the bot as well. PS I use multiprofile by highvoltz could that cause it to change? I'm suppose to put name of the mount in flying mount area cause there Number there?
give us your log so we can see your settings http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html
I have same probl;em no matter what I do with mount section in advanced it casts only blue wind rider unless I put random on
If there are problems recogning the mount name or id it uses the first mount in the alphabetical list from the spellbook.
let me try it on my Druid and i will let you know,for what reason you want to use a mount instead of the form?(so i can test exactly on what you want)
my reason for using flying mount is because when u are in water zone in vashjir u can not use flying form on top of water while u can use a mount. Of course the mount flies to the area in Vashjir that it is suppose to start at. Yet again i'm trying to get that multiprofile vashjir zone to run except i'm trying to improve 1 thing at a time. After this i will just have 1 error as i'm expecting and i should have the profile fixed, of course i had to have my programmer friend modify it, but thank you for your support I really appreciate it.
i talked wit hhighvoltz and he's u have to have flying there is no other way so how do i make it mount using flying mount instead of flight form.