Great great work, only thing that is not working for me is the Tasks part. I am pretty sure I am doing it right. Ok so after I restart the program the tasks are gone, yes I clicked save and close before restarting
Ok, I apologize for not reading the install fully, I simply saved each file individually. YOU MUST FOLLOW INSTALL STEPS FOR TASKS TO WORK:
Ok I lied, when I installed properly the tasks work but they still didn't save. Still looking for help
Any chance that you can add a feature, which can place the honorbuddy windows? Cause its stressing me that they are placing random, and not under your wow windows, or where you tell them to place. Its hard to check setting when running 6 bots, and first needing to check which window is which. Ty!
It's not random, if you place them, after the login screen of HB it places them in the last place it was.
yes. tried it now on updated version, bug still happens. some more details: after adding a task, clicking "save and close" and then shuting down HBRelog, the tasks are still in the settings.xml file. after restarting HBRelog, the task is still in the settings.xml, but when clicking on Edit -> Tasks, the tasks entries disappear - in HBRelog and in the setings.xml. hope this helps!
Thanks this works great sometimes hb fucks up and doesn't move which requires a hb restart. could you try implement something for that? if user doesn't move for x time and is not recovering for cc then restart.
been noticing this too, but haven't been sure if it's a HBRelog or a ProfessionBuddy (Multiprofile) issue.
oh so maybe you will can help me that oppen wow it freeze it it say it stoped working or that crash them :/
Unlikely a HBRelog issue. Implementing something like that wouldn't go well if using PVP bot/instance buddy and waiting on a queue for example.