Nerdy Soulweller v0.1 Features: Casts Ritual of Souls upon entering a BG will only do so, if you're still in the preparation phase will not do so if you're mounted (like in SotA or IoC) Grabs a Healthstone from the soulwell if your Warlock does not already have one Todo: nothing Features: Castet Ritual der Seelen nach dem Betreten eines BGs tut dieses nur, wenn man sich noch in der Vorbereitungsphase befindet tut dieses nicht, wenn man auf einem Reittier sitzt (wie z.B. im Strand oder Insel) Nimmt sich einen Gesundheitsstein vom Brunnen, wenn euer Hexenmeister selbst noch keinen hat Todo: nichts Особенности игры: Юзает Ритуаш душ при входе на бг. Работает только на фазе подготовки и не работает на маунте. Так-же берет камень, если вы еще этого не сделали.. Todo: ничего Enjoy!
"Casts Ritual of Souls upon entering a BG will only do so, if you're still in the preparation phase will not do so if you're mounted (like in SotA or IoC) Grabs a Healthstone from the soulwell if your Warlock does not already have one" In russian it will be : Юзает Ритуаш душ при входе на бг. Работает только на фазе подготовки и не работает на маунте. Так-же берет камень, если вы еще этого не сделали.. Pliz fix translation... Cause ur is horrible. )
Nice to see this plugin. One of the only reasons I hadn't pvp'd much on my lock prior to taking a couple month hiatus... you constantly see ppl asking for healthstones from locks and refreshment tables from mages. If you're not in a 40 man and are likely the only toon of that class, it's a bit more obvious if you're botting and not willing to supply the request. Would love to see a similar plugin for the mage refreshment table if at all possible. Thx!
I'm going to leave something, though it can't really be considered feedback, lol. I read this and was hoping it was a pvplock CC, but then I read on to find it was a plugin that makes a Soulwell. My lock isn't high enough level for that right now, so it wouldn't be of any real use yet. I'm sure it's a good thing to have, but what I'd love to have is a pvplock CC that isn't made only for LazyRaider, so I can bot my lock in BGs while I'm doing other things. All in all, I'm sure it's a good plugin since you, among others, do quality work for HB.
I'm sorry the plugin worked so well I forgot to leave feedback. So the plugin is 100% perfect no issues.