I'm pleased to present my 100% private and fully tested profile to the public as I'm no longer looking to farm Deepholm for herbs. This profile has over 200 hotspots and has a few paths through "Elite" territory and will not suggest anyone with a low Item Level to use this profile but again I can not prevent you from doing so. This route is for Heartbloosom, but does pass over Cinderbloom, so if you don't mind the Cinderbloom then you're good to go, if not, go to your node selection and disable all except for Heartbloosom. I'd like to see some feedback from the community and if my work has paid off I'll release a few more private profiles to the public. Please post a Log if you run into any problems with the bot relating this profile and there should not be many badnodes, however if you come across one please submit it to me so I can add it to the profile. This starts right outside temple. if someone wants to provide the Alliance vendor cords along with mailbox I'd add an alliance profile as well.
I like it [Gatherbuddy2]: Gatherbuddy has been running for 1h 50m 21s. Collected a total of 73 nodes. Rep for u!
The downside is that now everyone will be greedy and use this one......i think it's pretty safe to use the default one now
Yeah I never have used default profiles period, all private. I make profiles to farm, not be greedy and give someone a reason to assume i'm a bot. Example:[3:12:42 PM:578] [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Elementium Vein. [3:12:43 PM:234] [Gatherbuddy2]: Exiting WoW and HB after gathering 358 nodes in 6h 0m 3s. [3:12:43 PM:250] [Gatherbuddy2]: Pyrite Deposit: 41 [3:12:43 PM:250] [Gatherbuddy2]: Elementium Vein: 278 [3:12:43 PM:250] [Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Elementium Vein: 39 I am also on a full server and with public profiles you may see numbers like this, but I will guarantee you seeing a bot train at some point.
using this as alliance makes wierd bug : the char goes to the temple when it needs to repair or mail then flies to the ally npc but instead of interacting just flies back to the door of the temple and keeps doing so in a loop
I cant help you as i'm not an alliance, and i've yet to get some feedback on if it's working properly or not.. Again I'm horde and I have no issues at all. Post a lof for me so I can see what excatly it's doing.. Also the Vendor is for Horde ATM
Very nice profile and well done. Thanks. [Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 104 nodes in 1h 21m 37s. [Gatherbuddy2]: Heartblossom: 104
Sorry on the late response but Thanks for the feed back, I just got back into boting, but mainly light weight.