Needs lots of work with paladins. Grabs a lot of mobs and dies a TON. No spells are used just melee swings...
Gauntlet1985 , guxan , v3rd1g0 i'm pretty sure these problems are related to you customclass, the fightingroutine for your character. Profiles tell the bot where to go and what to kill, not how to handle mobs. If you use Convalesce by Mord, you have to open the configmenu and activate all spells it should use.
had no problems with this profile 1-14 over night 0 deaths it worked very well, im using it along with Convalesce by mord
Tested it on a paldin (convalescens cc) today...dies a lot 5 levels in 2hrs going to look where it dies all the time
the original fighting mesh for warlocks is complete shit, so that isn't your fault. I reccomend switching to darkben's CC for everyone using a warlock here, my deaths went down considerably after doing so. Otherwise, it's pretty good besides getting stuck on tons of benches and around ledges/buildings in ruins of silermoon. REALLY need to fix that. Got stuck about every 2 minutes, and didn't even correct itself ever. Make it go out into the forest and just skip the ruins.
So...looked what killed the bot...The Problem is that it often pulls 2+ enemys in the ruins and it also gets stuck very often there (benches etc) I would recommend that you make it get to level 4 with the tender and feral tenders around the first island and then just let it skip the ruins. You could make it continue killing the Feral Dragonhawk Hatchlings just outside of the ruins. Think this would be even faster and cause lot less problems.
Agreed, that would work much better. Theres a tendency to find bugged mobs, and it ends up with 6-7 mobs on itself trying to killed the bugged one. Also, It gets stuck a lot in the buildings trying to go after mobs outside of them. Worked fine after I moved it up to Fairbreeze Village.
i changed the lock CC to a custom one by darkben cause it just stood there. and waited for the mob to come to me. i loaded the BE 1-14 profile and the mesh that goes with it. its been about 40 minutes and my lock just dinged level 3. not sure why its not working correctly im hearing awesome things about it.
having nothing to do today I did some work to change the orginal Profile. It will now kill tenders and feral tenders till it reaches lvl 4 and then continue with the dragon hatchlings and just skip the ruins. I Think it would be faster if you could integrate the ruins but thats the best I can do atm. If there are Problems please report them. Besides the changes I mentioned above I have done nothing, so the mesh is still the original one and the rest of the profile remains unchanges.