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  • Annual Pass. Positive or Negative side for botting on main account.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Ronnie, Oct 27, 2011.


    Does Annual Pass help?

    1. Yes, it does help in some way.

      0 vote(s)
    2. No, it doesn't help.

      0 vote(s)
    3. Who cares about Annual Pass if you got caught.

      0 vote(s)
    1. valiliv

      valiliv New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      question to anyone that got an annual pass account banned: do they automatically remove your credit card subscription or do they just continue to charge monthly $15?
    2. mrserve

      mrserve New Member

      Sep 30, 2011
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      Im guessing they would keep charging, i mean the annual pass is a contract.
    3. seafunk

      seafunk New Member

      Feb 23, 2011
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      i only use my main acc for botting. selling just didnt pay out anymore and was too much a hassle. i still make 100k per week on my main acc and am focussing on quality instead of quantity now. trying to bring those 400 up to 1mio. :D

      anyway, i got a perma ban for selling gold, admitted and apologized --> got it reversed in a little less than 1h, then within a couple of months time received two suspensions (lol?) and have been playing for over half a year now since the last suspension. i got stuck at mailboxes or in other loops hb never cares to intercept (seriously whats so fucking hard about implementing a lock on such loops?!), i mustve been reported a zillion times by now. i also focus on the server that always seemed to have the toughest bothunt going now because it simply is the only server ive ever really enjoyed as well.

      needless to say, i got a 1yr subscription for d3 a month or two ago, right when the offer was up whenever it was. nothing seems to have changed for me since then, but i agree: it is an interesting question on a level of decision making for blizzard. basically, blizzard isnt against botting anymore, it actually seems to be keeping the game alive these days. i had 20 cata accounts myself, at all times with gametime in them (~1h work per day + once per month a whole day of work + and a lot of extra time to put into putting less time in), i hear of people having over hundreds (believable, but most likely complete and utter nolifers with at least 5 boxes at home...).

      anyway, thats like 200 euros per month blizzard was making off me. i stopped rift altogether because eventhough i do not consider botting to be fully in harmony with my concept of ethics, what that company did was just fucked up, a lot of non botters got banned, they didnt reply to mails, just fucked. made em look very bad. scared, desperate and weak and they sent a clear message that you either do this manually or not at all. blizzard has been there too, but seems to have advanced and is now looking at botters as regular customers that are only banned when they step out of line. (->report->ban) but i still have no idea why my main acc doesnt get banned. maybe its just luck, but imho it shouldve been banned a hundred times over!
    4. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The contact is breached when your account gets banned and you lose everything that comes with it and they do not keep changing. Stated in their contract.
    5. stormwarr1

      stormwarr1 New Member

      Oct 30, 2011
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      I signed up to the annual pass in hopes that it will give me a guaranteed protection from bans. I'm pretty sure with SWTOR out, they're not gonna ban people who agreed to stay with them for a long term.

      I've been posting maybe 100 auctions a day on and off, undercutting everyone, made about 200k gold in the last couple of months, and no sign of bans so far. I have been banned when I was leveling a toon through PVP, it was like a 24 hour ban for "non participation in pvp", and I know it was because some nub reported me (hint, dont bot wsg). No worries blizz.
    6. primo

      primo New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      they're not gonna ban people who agreed to stay with them for a long term.
      yhis made me LOL real hard
    7. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      they want u to buy annual pass cause they know tons are leaving wow when d3 comes d3 = win
    8. tthientran

      tthientran New Member

      Dec 31, 2011
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      I dont think theres a difference if banning procedures if you have an annual pass. Once you paid for the service, its their money and they have the right to ban you if you get caught hacking, annual holder or not.

      I also agree with xio8up, WoW lost around 10% of its player base last quarter so they're looking securing long-term players though the annual pass. With SWTOR, D3, Dota 2, and other games coming out, they'll have to run for their money. Granted, once MoP comes out, they're gonna see a return of alot of players, so the annual pass is sort of a way to stop the game from dying before the new expansion comes out.
    9. shaorinor

      shaorinor New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      Since they're giving you a free copy of D3 with your annual pass, I wouldn't think that is the main cause, though I'm sure it is a minor one. I think it's more of a protection for people leaving for other games like SWTOR. They announced the annual pass strategically before SWTOR went retail and enticed people to subscribe by giving them a free copy of D3. This way, they still get your money even if you do switch to some other game.
    10. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      not doing annual pass. :]
    11. hal9k2

      hal9k2 Member

      Feb 14, 2012
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      Hey all

      I have already annual pass ON and 12 months bought with help of RAF. So far no signs that of any problems.

      Question is: Is here a person who got any problems with blizzard after buying time for RAF and annual pass? If yes please write up here.

      Best regards.
    12. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      it so blows my mind no one is winning lawsuits against Blizzard.... Who cares if they say you can't buy Gold for $$$.... it isn't against the law. How is it possible they can enforce such a stipulation INSIDE the game and IRL against people who can't afford to mine and farm their ass off and have a job. I agree not to cut the f***ing labels off the cord on my dryer when i buy it.... but if I go to the Police station and turn myself in they are going to tell me to get lost.

      We give Intellectual property and software developers too much leeway already and they want SOPAA. LOL FML

      EDIT: Just wanted to be clear I meant a specific subset of software developers. I just don't know the lingo. :) <3 HB
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
    13. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Getting a annual pass is fine, why would you on a account you bot on though?
      Blizzards annual pass consists of a mount, D3 and beta access. So far they have have not fullfilled their end of the contract, therfor making it incomplete and must let you op'd out until it has be completely fullfilled.

      I am sure if anyone could afford to fight a Billion dollar company in the US they would win alot.
      Sadly no one here is a billioniare willing to blow millions in lawyer fees over a few $100 gaming accounts.
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
    14. Proceed

      Proceed New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Last Quarter WOW lost 1% of its players, and 10% subscribed to the annual pass ...
      SWTOR had almost no effect on wow, Dota2 is absoluteley a different game, its like comparing BF3 and MW with WOW, almost no influence, in addition there is LOL which is f2p and almost the same game.
      D3 will not have monthly costs and also is kind of different, i think it will be the game which ppl will be switching to until MOP is released, prbably even without of cancelling wow subscriptions ...

      Stop naming SWTOR ffs, it never had any kind of impact on wow, it was absolutely nothing, the release of Cata made way more people leave WOW then SWTOR ever can do, its just another wow with a different story, nothing new, nothing special, no reason to leave wow for the same shit but in a Scifi universe, in 12 months it will have under 1 million active players and that is for sure ...
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
    15. ripglider

      ripglider New Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      It's just like everyone else says, this is just a way for them to get some guaranteed money. I signed up for it on my main account, which I bot on constantly since BC. I bought a year of game time with gold so I never have to come out of pocket for the year of game time, D3, or the lame ass mount. If I would have sold the gold it would have made me a whopping $37.40 based on the last offer I got for gold. Doing it the way I did amounts to about $240 considering $15 a month and $60 for D3. Seems like a no brainer.
    16. stormwarr1

      stormwarr1 New Member

      Oct 30, 2011
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      Maybe next time it will make you spell correctly as well. As I said, I got caught out botting in PvP and I got a lame ass 24 hour ban for it. Annual pass helps.
    17. Ulbjorn

      Ulbjorn New Member

      Feb 15, 2012
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      I don't think it would help. They have your money at that point, why would they care? I think they would rather let monthly subscribers go free for awhile until they change to 3 or 6 month plans then ban them. This let's the user have a sense of accomplishment and money well spent possibly, after the initial thrill they can simply pull the rug out from you once you delve deeper and think you're going to be playing for months to come. This whole theory is probably beyond anything realistic, but possible. I firmly believe they go by user reports and pathing. The bottom line is Who cares about Annual Pass if you got caught​.
    18. rorschach

      rorschach New Member

      Dec 1, 2011
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      annual pass is paid by the month

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