Sounds like more fail from bgbuddy. I am not pleased at all with the new targeting logic that bgbuddy uses.
this is not using OVER POWER. Plz help me ty this is fine in other ways , suggstion if u place stance dancing
can ANYONE just answer me? does this spam the spells BEFORE the GCD has ended (like a normal player would do to avoid the latency problem) or not? its getting really frustrating getting no help/answers at all :/... would just like a yes/no...
it used to do it before the last patch... thats why i am concerned... it stopped doing it after the patch... i even reinstalled from beginning HB and WOW...
Is there a simple way to disable piercing howl if i dont want to spec into it? Do i just delete Cast("Piercing Howl"); out of CC, id like to spec into gag order and use CC. Thanks!
----- List<String> Rotation = new List<String> { "Victory Rush", "Throwdown", "Colossus Smash", "Mortal Strike", "Execute", "Overpower", "Heroic Throw", "Slam" }; Is this the line that I must put Hamstring so it can be in my rotaion?Is it matter if it is after the ordinary spell or not? When cast hamstring the character must look at the target for some other slow or impact debuffs and if there is not such debuffs he cast the spell because there is no point otherway. Is it important to put Every man for him self in trinket line for work propperly because the plugin failed.
There is no simple way to insert hamstring, according to AJ, piercing howl is the prefered method of slows, and as such will be the one that is supported.
Hey, I love this CC, Ive been using it in arenas, But just wondering, Say when Im trying to smash a priests brains out, a smart priest will make me (The CC) interrupt mana burn, and then he can spam flash heal, And just repeat that. Is there a way to say, Interrupt healing spells only, and only when the healer is less than say 40% health. That would be deadly, So for instance: Pummel Heals <40% Health Throwdown 5 seconds after Pummel. I could see this working, But I may be wrong. Please correct me if so. Any alternatives to killing healers. I smash Warlocks with ease, And just need help on healers. Thanks in advance. Also, If someone wants to help me change this CC, I can donate through paypal. Thanks Oh and did I mention this CC is great. Thanks
taken from Here (current for 4.3 unlike AJ) Seeing as how pierce is only 6s and it is dispellable, it falls far short of the need to snare for most casters, especially mages. While this CC does decently enough in bg's it gets molested in arenas and in duels. This single change alone I personally believe would go a long way to giving the warrior enough time on target to make a difference. This cc is very prone to being kited. All that being said its still the best cc currently available for arms pvp atm so thank you for your hard work and long hours. P.S. Even adjusting howl so its always on the target, it currently is rather bad about letting it fall off (higher priority in ability que?).
Raid bot support has been added. I've been very busy trying to find a job and doing odd jobs to make ends meet until then.
awesome warrior one so far...does everything it claims.....big thanks was about to give up till i tried this one
Thanks for the best pvp warr cc so far. Still imo it needs some improvement in the slows section. Everyone would be grateful if your consider to implement these suggestions. Say, high priority keeping a hamstring (as it's undispellable) on the target (possibly along with rooting of improved hamstring) if its in melee range, and maybe increase priority of piercing howl if the target is not in melee range. Also, I noticed that my warr is too rarely using victory rush, especially in low-health situations. When I added victory rush to the 'self-healing' rotation (for <80%hp), my warr's survivability in bg significantly increased.
I would love the same. This is my only real concern with the CC. Well that and it doesnt use bladestorm.
I just did 14 hours of BGs with this CC. and I noticed the following. My recount report Rend 16.1% Mortal Strike 15.1% Melee 14.6% Overpower 12.1% Opportunity Strike 9.5% Heroic Strike 9.2% Deep Wounds 5.6% Slam 5.2% Colossus Smash 4.3% Heroic Throw 2.8% Heroic Leap 1.6% Retaliation 1.4% Execute 1.1% Victory Rush 0.7% Whirlwind .5% (I forced this use a couple times prior to going to bed, it did not use it again the entire night) Retribution Aura 0.1% Throwdown 0.0% (used 53 times) Shattering Throw 0.0% (used 3 times) PvP Trinket (used once by me prior to going to bed) Intimidating shout (used twice by me prior to going to bed) The reason I wanted to show all of that is to illustrate some real opportunity for improvement. I would not bring this up if my total damage was not consistently in the middle of the crowd in BGs. Other arms warriors are doubling my output and I have IL gear 391 PvP gear. 1st REND is the #1 ability but this CC doesn't take advantage of Blood & Thunder, notice not a single use of ThunderClap. I see that as a huge DPS loss in BGs where many of the fights are in crowds. We are loosing out on the TC and extra REND damage and all of the extra Procs that would come with it. 2nd notice its complete lack of use of Bladestorm, I know the language to use this ability is in the CC code but it just doesn't use it, ever. That again is a huge DPS loss. 3rd it didn't apply hamstring at all and I wasn't specced into piercing howl (my mistake) so it didn't use any slowing effects all night. 4th No PvP trinket use. I don't understand this one at all. Singular uses it instantly and frequently. 5th Shattering throw needs to be a higher priority when Mages and Paladins use their invulnerability. using this ability would increase killing blows in BGs. 6th Intimidating shout, as a ARMS warrior it should be used ever CD when there are more than 1 person attacking, or every CD when someone is trying to run away. It should also be used as an interupt when no other interupt is available.
Thanks I'll look into some of these. 4)Read the first post theres a plugin listed that handles all escape usage 5)It USED to shattering throw, but bgbuddy thinks it knows best and switches targets now so it never gets used. The code is there, and was working before bgbuddy.