Well about two days ago I made my first gold sale thanks to gatherbuddy! I was able to sell 10k gold for $3/k. so I made $30 so far from gatherbuddy and I have another 15k that I am going to be selling soon. O and my account (vannila account) has not been banned yet so I consider this a success so far!!!
Just making a post about my experience so far with gatherbuddy since I mostly use honorbuddy and I just made it bold so it is more readable.
How did you safely transfer gold from your botter to the vanilla account?? Congrats by the way man, seriously. I am going to buy GB lifetime once i earn enough money lol
Well I have my farmer, (which is also my main account) farm all my herbs and ore. I then have my main put up all the atuctions. No I don't use a low level or a vannila account to post the auctions and yes sometimes I have 200 autctions at a time but I have been doing 200 items even before I started botting. Then I put all the money into a gbank, usually 1-3k a day. Then I have my vannila account into the guild when I am ready to sell and then the vannila account withdraws 10k at a time to sell.
Sweet thanks, thats all i wanted to know i do the exact same setup as you, but,,,,i reccomend finding a private buyer for the saronite etc. I have a jewlcrafter just buying titanium ore at 15g an ore, and saronite at 16.3 g a stack. Its quite profitable.
Nah that takes to much time and effort and then if they start to ask questions of were you get it all and all that. I just either prospect the sarnoite, or smelt it into bars and sell it to a vendor. I sell the Titanium for 250-270g a stack.
I sell on US and I sell to Pusada, you just better not be on my realm and be taking my buisness now lol!!
Nah when you deal with Chineese it is usually a day lol, but Pusada is pretty good so I don't think I will be banned and if I am only the vannila should and thoes keys are only 8k gold so I am not worried about it as long as my farmer dosen't get banned. *Knock on wood*
Yah if sarnoite would sell for 16.3g for a stack of ore I would sell it for that but eh its only 13g. Same with Titanium it is like 13g each somtimes 15g but I just sell that in stacks of 20 for like 250g.
Yeah, i have heard from a couple of posts that one guy got it traced from the selling vanilla accoutn back to his farmer, to his main Sucks for him, but i dont think it would happen much more often than that.