Hey, had in mind some automated button pushin. Code like this: Fading Light: Code: local fadingtime = select(7,UnitDebuffID("player",109075)) if fadingtime and fadingtime - GetTime() < 1.0 then RunMacroText("/click ExtraActionButton1") end Hour of Twilight: Code: local channelSpell, _, _, _, _, endTime = UnitCastingInfo("boss1") if channelSpell == GetSpellInfo(109417) and endTime/1000 - GetTime() < 0.6 then RunMacroText("/click ExtraActionButton1") end Heroic Fading Light: Code: local fadingtime = select(7,UnitDebuffID("player",110070)) if fadingtime and fadingtime - GetTime() < 1.0 then RunMacroText("/click ExtraActionButton1") end Shrapnel on DW: Code: local fadingtime = select(7,UnitDebuffID("player",110140)) if fadingtime and fadingtime - GetTime() < 1.0 then RunMacroText("/click ExtraActionButton1") end Anybody thinks this could be easily done? Code supported by Mentally, all credits to him!
Should be enhanced to include the bomb in p2 of madness of deathwing if you have less than 3 seconds left until you get hit.
I made this code for my CC's, feel free to make a plugin or w/e out of it. Havent made any for fading light yet though. Code: #region DragonSoul public bool Ultra() { using (new FrameLock()) { if (MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSNOR || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSHC || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSLFR) { if (Me.CurrentTarget.Name == "Ultraxion" && Me.CurrentTarget.CastingSpell.Name == "Hour of Twilight") { if (Me.CurrentTarget.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= 700) SpellManager.StopCasting(); return true; } } } return false; } #endregion #region Combat { if (Ultra()) { Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/click ExtraActionButton1');"); } } #endregion
I have found myself using PQR for raiding, and a few of their profiles have the ability to push the button automatically. Since I am not tank, I do not get Fading Light regularly, but i do seem to recall it pushing the button for me when I got fading light last week, but I could be wrong. I am not sure if it is against forum rules to post their profiles here or not, so I will wait to post it until someone gives me the green light. And TBH, idk if the profiles are remotely similar in the way they are coded, so their code string may not have any effect in HB profiles. I simply do not know.
Read the starting posts, the code is made by mentally, which is in fact one of the profile devs of PQR, so the code in the starting post is already pqr style and just like you can see, its nowhere close to the HB code.
Code: #region Dragon Soul public bool Ultra() { using (new FrameLock()) { if (MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSNOR || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSHC || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSLFR) { foreach (WoWUnit u in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(true, true)) { if (u.IsAlive && u.Guid != Me.Guid && u.IsHostile && u.IsCasting && u.CastingSpell.Name == "Hour of Twilight" && u.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= 800) return true; } } } return false; } public bool UltraFL() { using (new FrameLock()) { if (MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSNOR || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSHC) { foreach (WoWUnit u in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<LocalPlayer>(true, true)) { if (u.Debuffs.ContainsKey("Fading Light") && u.Debuffs["Fading Light"].IsActive && u.Debuffs["Fading Light"].TimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= 2000) return true; } } } return false; } public bool DW() { using (new FrameLock()) { if (MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSNOR || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSHC || MarksmanSettings.Instance.DSLFR) { foreach (WoWUnit u in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(true, true)) { if (u.IsAlive && u.Guid != Me.Guid && u.IsHostile && (u.IsTargetingMyPartyMember || u.IsTargetingMyRaidMember || u.IsTargetingMeOrPet || u.IsTargetingAnyMinion) && u.IsCasting && u.CastingSpell.Name == "Shrapnel" && u.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= 2000) return true; } } } return false; } #endregion feel free to use these codes to whatever
Is there aktually any Progress on the Plugin Done? Im currently coding at it too, but i have some Minor Problems, i dont knew what i need to implement for usings and some other stuff. Mfg NopiSoul
I dont think anyone ever made a plugin for it, Shaddar and i made the codes for the buttons and implemented them in all our CCs. I dont have any experience with plugins, so i can't promise to make one...
Here's a really simple and quick plugin (see attachment) that pushes the Ultraxion button for you. I'm at uni so it is entirely untested but it should work just fine. I'll look at implementing other DS mechanics later this evening.
Made a few changes, the plugin should support Shrapnel/Fading Light/Hour of Twilight now. Untested so it might break. Let me know! edit: See page three for an updated version.
Moving this code to a plugin would be really nice though, it would make it available in every cc and could be easier maintained / modified (if needed ^^)
Look a bit up, Fiftypence already released one In a future release for all our CCs, if you activate a certain buff - CC wont use the button on ultraxion. This is used if you're supposed to be a "soaker" on heroic
I'll do a plugin myself for this particular part. But I think I won't release it to the community. (no trolling, just sayin') greetz Weischbier