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  • 15 accounts banned + maybe interesting information

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Thang781, Feb 23, 2012.

    1. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      i got 15 accounts banned while they where online. they where farming to the fullest, which means 24/7 or as much as HB let me without crashing. so i used the "crashing" as pauses. my bots farming as much as they could and auction everything they could. i'm doing this for years now since glider. i have like 40 accounts left, which where offline during the bans. so far nothing different from other ban reports.

      the interesting part now is they banned 1 leveling account as well, which was running during the bans. i was leveling a DK 24/7 (with crashes and the usual HB bugs as pauses) and then farm full s11 24/7. after that i skilled mining+herb to max. they banned this account due to economy abuse. as for every banned account i wrote a ticket and after they double check the account, they completely gave me the account back. not even a 72h ban for botting.

      so my conclusion is:

      1) they do a kind of IP check or IP ban for at least all accounts which are online. since all my offline accounts are still untouched.
      2) they likely have a new script running, since my DK seemed to be banned via script.
      3) HB is undetected, since they double check my DK, which was botting so obv. and couldn't find anything.
      4) 24/7 botting is safe.

      another theory: 3)+4) lead me to believe, that they might detect you botting, but tolerate it as long as you're not selling gold/abusing the economy. since i cannot believe they couldn't see me botting 24/7 and farming s11 for days straight.
    2. Eisenberg

      Eisenberg New Member

      Dec 24, 2011
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      Its absolutely clear now that they ban by IP, and if they receive appeal, then they perform deeper check which account was doing what, everyone who is denying that is a fool. Its also obvious that they target exclusively farmers, BG and questing are safe as ever. The question is what do they are checking after someone appeal, do they have automatic script for that, or they are manually peering through some basic statistics like hours online, charcters activity etc (the fact that they let go questing account suggests former, i doubty that they would willingly let go someone who was botting even without 72h suspension). Second important question is if they are mainly banning by script, or by player reports, or both equal.
    3. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      i'm still very confused why the rest of my accounts survived. if they're tracking statistics and if playerreports lead to further investigation and bans, i can't see how my other accounts could survive.

      they definitely double check my DK and they must have seen him botting. there is no way they didn't see that. why my DK didn't even got 72h ban is beyond me.
    4. mefisto

      mefisto Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Well first of all they wouldnt want us to recognize the pattern they are banning by, if that pattern exists at all, so we couldnt counter :p
      Few ppl got hit having 1 or 2 accounts max, but it seems mostly those with few acccounts running at once.

      Do they ban from players reports ? Of course I think it's the first step to get into system attention, perhaps few reports needed, then several confirmations until u get banned.
      They dont ban all the botters at once thats for sure.
    5. Draganos

      Draganos Member

      Oct 7, 2011
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      15 accounts. sorry man :( i know how that feels.
    6. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      ty buddy, but i'm not that sad tho. just a little. to be honest i don't think you can't multibotting without getting them banned. i think the only way to multibotting is to make profit, before the accounts get banned. i'm just wondering and worrying about whether to continue botting right now or let them rest a little. but i can't let them rest for too long anyway.
    7. Non Quixote

      Non Quixote New Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      Hor$e$hit. There are posts here from people who have lost a few, half or most of their botting accounts at once to a suspension or ban. I personally have lost 3 of 8 running on the same IP. If Blizz was banning by IP we would have lost ALL of the accounts that used that IP address.

      It is much more likely that they are invesigating by IP. If they find a botting account they check to see if that IP is shared by any other accounts and investigate those too. I can buy into that.

      But like your guess, this is also a guess since none of us work for Blizzard and can say anything is "absolutely clear".
    8. reoxftw

      reoxftw New Member

      Aug 11, 2011
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      Ah, the one who's always been like "I'm pro and I'm botting 24/7, yet not been banned!" is banned now. Proves that you've been talking rubbish.
    9. Eisenberg

      Eisenberg New Member

      Dec 24, 2011
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      Thats what i mean. Once they catch a bot, they are now checking if other wow accounts are logged onto same IP and banning them too. Furthermore, judging from cases of ppl who were using vpns and also got hit on all accounts simultaneously, i bet that they are also checking logging battlenet website IP, and hardware ID. To make long story short, as of last week they are doing everything whats witihin their power to stop bot runned farming. I think that number of reports form ppl who their entire farms banned within minutes is enough evidence to take this theory as fact, and its just silly to denying that.

      but were those remaing accounts farming at the time of ban ? Or were they offline, questing, doing Bg etc ?
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
    10. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      you don't really want to start a "war" with me about botting do you? i am pro, since i multibot and earn a lot of money with botting for years. i manage to build me up a big supplier network additional to my bots. i have my own selling webshop running moe than just well. what did you achieve to talk with me about botting as a pro?

      account losses and bans are nothing special to massive botters. when you bot with massive accounts you can't prevent bans. period. the difference between good botters and bad botters is the speed which they lose their accounts. considering those banned 15 bots earn money for a very long time now, this is not even a loss. if you think losing 15 accounts is something to make my claims rubbish, you clearly have no idea what is going on.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2012
    11. 22diehard22

      22diehard22 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      VPN's have a virtual Hard ware ID that is different per machine. (If set up right..)
    12. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      like eisenberg explained you misunderstood him. he meant the GMs checking your IP for running accounts and i think the same. i have so many reports from multi botters whith the same banpattern. online accounts got banned while offline accounts are still active. there are ppl who where watching their PC when it happened and managed to disconnect to save some of their accounts. they definitely scanning for accounts with the same IP.

      but still i expected all of my accounts to be banned. not only 15. they where all linked to each other since i sell gold with all of them. it really confuses me, why they didn't got banned.
    13. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      but VPN doesn't prevent bans? but since you claim to lost just one account, plz share your knowledge and your setup.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2012
    14. greaterdeath

      greaterdeath New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      @ OP I was wondering, if you have 55 accts in total, how many lvl 80 - 85 chars do you have per acct?
    15. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      it varies. accounts i leveled by myself only have 1 char and 1 wow account on 1 bnet account. accounts i have bought have more than one char. every account that had more than 1x 85 i would split them one by one to new accounts each.

      i have even more than 55 accounts. those are only active accounts. i always have some inactive accounts as a reserve.
    16. Hyrule

      Hyrule New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      I agree with this. I play my main on one PC and i have another PC on for botting. I had 3 accounts going on that PC, 2 of them ran out of gametime recently (like 2 weeks ago) so i was down to one account. I had used this one (the one left with gametime) account throughout Wrath and Cata, just mining and herbing - nothing else. I was expecting a ban due to this activity but nothing happened so i contiuned. Then last week it got banned for the first time, for exploitation of the economy. I have never traded gold on that account, i used too send items via ingame mail to a banker on the same account. Then deposit items into the guildbank, withdraw items on a banker (on my main) who was in the same guild, then sell in the AH. Obviously i wasn't listing stupid amounts of items as i went without a ban for over a year. ANYWAY, tl;dr and all that i got the perma ban overturned on my account but the support guy answering my ticket gave me a 48hr ban because he saw no other IP activity on the account. I don't know whether to use the account again, he said the next time it would be gone for good. But yeah, in the past i got one account unbanned like 5 times so i don't know whether thats true or not. My other accounts recieved no ban whatsoever which is wierd as they were online at the same time when they had gametime.
    17. xxrazorxx

      xxrazorxx New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      Im.actually going to give farming up for a little while and just use lazyraider for raids n have a little.fun..

      Il probably also use the time to level a few new accounts for other people. More money in that these days than selling gold it seems.

      All 12 pirox botted accounts that havent been used since november have all been banhammered in this wave, but they were surplus to requirements anyway... I just farm for personal use now.

      Making more money from SWTOR atm.

      Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
    18. Mike07

      Mike07 New Member

      Jul 2, 2010
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      just wondering US or EU?
    19. xxrazorxx

      xxrazorxx New Member

      Nov 22, 2011
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      Eu for me.

      Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
    20. Jianyu

      Jianyu New Member

      Jun 14, 2010
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      Did you manage to recover EVERY single account?

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