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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by dracoe, Feb 21, 2012.

    1. mefisto

      mefisto Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
    2. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      ]I just did a who Uldum and I shit you not it came back to me as 0 players

      There is not 1 person in Uldum

      Edit: 5 mins later
      oh someone actually dares to venture there....

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      Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
    3. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      i guess you did a good job reporting them all then?
    4. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yeah you should take break. When I mention about reports not making sense I was refereeing to yours. I didn't want to point names but since you offering yourself. You where talking about IP banning, this and that, you never been caught and been botting for a year. Some post you say one thing that contradicts you in another post. The suddenly you get banned. Maybe bad luck, but I am thinking you and the Esinwhatever are fake. Both of you are showing up on the same threats over and over. Give me a break, this is why people are getting banned. This behavior while botting. They do things that demonstrate they are not real. I am starting to think that you begin using HB/GB and now other botters in your server so you playing a game to kinda scare the shit out of them, or you using some other bots and think you have a chance on making a few bucks with the sale of it.

      Now back to topic, it seems more botters are moving to highlands and deepholme. I was doing my therazane quest for my DK and saw a small train of bots and follow them to see it. I know I should have screenshot. I slap myself for not doing it. Don't know wtf I was thinking I didn't screen shot it.
    5. Hawkiz

      Hawkiz Banned

      Feb 1, 2012
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      if i where to bot for X amount of hours, and gain Y..
      could i then mail Y to my legit account without getting it banned? (on a proxy ofc)

      - two diffrent names (bot acc with a fake ID and the main one with irl ?)
    6. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      COD to your main account for a cheap price. Remember you can say he sold you the stuff, no linkage.
    7. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      i have like 100 multibotters to back this up. a lot of them sell gold since glider. there is a huge, huge community among massive botters like me, you obv can't even imagine. you pretend to be so smart, but yet so clueless, that's why it's so amazing to you.

      show me plz. plz quote the postings that contradict?

      everyone can get banned in this business. but since you don't know it, you just prove yourself to be really absolutely clueless about what is goin on.

      if you like, you can ask bossland about the ammount of keys i (or the multibotters i'm working with) bought from him only(!) for testing(!) purpose. i promise you, you would fall to your knees and apologize.

      of course we're interested in what is goin on, trying to find patterns and stuff, since this is our business. be glad it's only a few of us who are posting and reveal good informations to the devs. the forums would be full if every multibotter i'm working with would posting here. on the other side, you yourself are showing up on every topic with stupid ideas and postings. so i guess you're fake, too? lol. you're so desperate to prove me wrong, you don't even know how stupid you look.

      ok. first it's pvptool's fault. when ppl prove you wrong it's suddenly them beeing too stupid to setup hb right. since you can't provide anything ppl don't know already they're fake. now our behavior in the forums get us banned ingame. hahaha. dude, can you get any more stupid?

      jesus. hahahaha.

      this is such bullshit i don't even know how you can post it. this just proves you're absolutely silly and don't have any clue. i mean it. plz spare us with this bullshit already. you should thank me, for beeing so kind to write to you. others just laughing about you and don't even let you know it. i'm kinda friendly.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2012
    8. Eisenberg

      Eisenberg New Member

      Dec 24, 2011
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      Dracoe im really amused by Your theories regarding my person, first You say that im trying to prove my theories at all cost, now that im not even real, i cant wait what You develop in upcoming days :D The thing that amuses me more however, is Your own self-styled expertise in botting. Sure, if we would bot like You, which is 4 hours per day, not putting anything on ah, watching characters all the time and answering manually, we wouldnt be banned, but such botting is just not the point. The point is to bot with dozens of bots, checked 1-2 times per day, and get good profit form this regardles of some percentage of accounts lost due to bans. You're as much expert in safe botting, as guy stealing ashtrays from restaurants is criminal mastermind :D
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
    9. FIRST

      FIRST Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Ok my theory would be that Blizzard made this to scare us , as one last time.D3 its just right around the corner and im pretty sure after that WoW will die slowly and the GM's will be fewer and less motivated to ban the botters.

      Just my version , dont hate me for that :)
    10. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What a surprise Batman came to the show and hey looks who's there Robin. If I am going to sit down and prove you wrong then I will speeding 10mins out of my 4 hours of botting you BFF is claiming I do. But just to give you a a little piece of the pie.

      A multi-boter with 40 accounts offline? Any multi-boter would have every single account online, an offline account is a waste. I wonder what bs excuse you gonna come up with.
      Everyone knows this is not true. Did you really posted that? WUAT? LOL

      Make up your mind, it was leveling or it was farming? It was black or it was a very dark gray almost black?

      You and your BFF are fake and that's why you 2 are bitter. Post what ever you want back, but you not gonna see me rate my own post to look smart or cool. I don't have to prove nothing. My X amount of accounts are still up and running. Some people got ban because they are dumb and don't read. Some other go full throttle and don't care about ban and just do whatever. Some others get ban because of bad luck or inexperience. Haven't you notice the people losing big accounts, that have a reputation on this forums, don't sit on their posts and talk theories. They move on and pop new ones. You are just paying your account with your moms CC because you haven't got your bot to sell shit. My accounts are safe and running. Get your BFF and go play outside, might be safer for both of you.

      Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
    11. Thang781

      Thang781 New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      no excuse. just facts. if you multibot like you claim, you would know that hb is crashing like shit. if you tell me, you can let hb runs 50 bots a day straight, you're a liar. simple as that. that plus disconects now and then. so the bots have to restart one after another. but i really wonder, why you don't know this? you're not gonna tell me, your bots really runs completely 24/7 with hb? lol

      only speak for yourself. i don't think you can use the term "everyone" here since the only one who put up silly theories are you and since it would include me and robin. i just proved it with my DK. leveling as much es hb crashes let me. then farming full s11 straight after he hit 85. they doublecheck the account and unbann it. no reason for me to think 24/7 botting is not safe. i have leveled 15 accounts by now, all with full s11. all of them are alive. only 15 farm accounts are banned. so 24/7 botting is safe in general. 24/7 farming not so, but likely because you create so many auctions, earn so much money, rather than the fact that you're online 24/7. also the term 24/7 include hb crashes and disconects ofcourse.

      sure. a fake with like 40+ hb keys just to test hb, beside pirox. so the cash i spent in bossland is fake, too. you should mail him and tell him, my money is fake. i think he would really thank you for that hint. idiot.

      that's because you just don't look smart. and that's a fact. you can start a poll if you want.

      yes you have, since you started attacking other users here by calling them stupid, fake or whatever. and yet you didn't provide any infos to backup your stupid trashtalk.

      wait a minute. you are the one who tells us all the time, that "good botters" and "carefull botters" like you, never lose accounts. so where does this "bad luck" appears from all of a sudden?

      following the stupid things you keep spouting, there are only "good botters" and "stupid botters". there is nothing in between for you. so where are those big ppl with "reputation" come from? following your words, they would all be idiots or fake, since they lost accounts due to botting. lol. dude, you don't even know what you're saying. and as i told you myself in the post before: ppl whith mass bots usually don't post here. it's just me beeing nice and taking time to tell you, how silly you are.

      very amusing. if you can affort to drive a bmw x6, we can start talking about money, lad.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2012
    12. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB crashing like shit? Are you serious? Do you know what ARelog is? Oh wait you gonna research it and then come back and respond, right? Let me save you the trouble. >> http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/30506-arelog-simple-free-relogger-honorbuddy.html << Read this. I never claim I run 50 accounts at time. I have never said the amount of accounts I run, and I don't need to disclose that.

      I have had HB run for days with ARelog without the need to click anything. And everyone knows that botting one account 24/7 non-stop is not safe. If you have been running from glider you know this, is like botting 101.

      Again you don't make sense at all. Why would you buy 40+ keys to test HB. That 120 accounts you going to test? You always talk about 30's and 40's. Do you know you can buy a 3 session key? That's 3 accounts per 1 key. HB 101.

      I actually have. This post is proof of the stupidity of some that fail to read. You asked, please give a explanation of how to set up your bots corrrectly. Well here it is. Use ARelog and rotate your bots.

      Let me see if I can put this in simple terms, in a way you can understand. The art of botting, is not running 200 bots. The art of botting is doing it without getting caught.

      Many of those people can care less of their accounts and bot 24/7 with max auctions, mats, etc. They actually feed the developers with good real info. They know they can be caught by pushing a 24/7 account. Don't you know this Mr. Botter? They always been on all communities Glider, Mimic, HB, Pirox. Again that is just proof you don't read shit.

      WUAT?? LOL!!! You don't drive a BMW X6, you wish you do. But getting banned botting, is a matter of time that the bank comes and repo it. I don't need a BMW, I am happy with my 2006 Hummer H3 with 82k miles. Because I can afford it with my real job. The one I do while my bots are running and kids like you are in school.

      Son you need to stop posting. You are getting in deeper shit. The more you write in the forums, the more we can see you are fake. Here I am gonna attach something that would wish you could afford. After you see the attachment, hate me. Because the envy is gonna eat you alive!!! Call Robin, time to retreat. WUAHAHAHAHA..

      Now back to the topic. I apologized for for the noobs, but hey what can we do? We need them so blizz have their handful with them and not with us.

      ANy one remembers when blizz begin sending emails about access from different areas by ISP ID? This was kinda of the ending of BC and the start of WOTLK. I have people connecting from other ISP's, was offering them leveling. I believe blizz didn't abandon this, and using a VPN would still trigger this. Unless blizz abandon that, witch I don't think, because poeple claim they use VPN and when banned they say, they where hacked.

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      Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
    13. AtticusG3

      AtticusG3 New Member

      Aug 27, 2011
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      OMG can we lock the flame thread already? I'm sick of this being in my new posts search
    14. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No because Jesus will make Chuck Norris paraplegic.
    15. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Stop hating and get over it, it was a bot that was 84 in level 60 and 70 gear that was there for 3 days straight.

      So i got someone banned, not like he wasn't going to get it anyways. Stop hating I wanted to see something so I found a guinea pig.
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
    16. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      LOL you mean son of a gun. LOL.
    17. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Whats this Thang want? all he does is flame and argue with people..so I trampled some guys bot that didn't care about it and left it for dead. Atleast I came and told the community my findings and I am sure a ton of players watch more closely now. I will trample over the few to help the many.
    18. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I don't flame people, I only flamed 2 people. I didn't started it. And he was a noob for been running with lvl 60 and 70 gear. He give you an excuse is his bad, the same way reporting another botter is bad. But hey is your decision not mine. My post count the majority was on post trying to help ppl :D
    19. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      sorry my friend I was not refering to you , I edited my post. I was talking to you though.

      Regardless this is bickering and pointless.
    20. dracoe

      dracoe Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thang saw me peeing and fall in love with my tool. LOL

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