I think Im doing my server a favor by botting. Not non-stop but the needed things for raiding guilds, flasks,fish and gems. During wotlk I had struck deals with all the horde server GM's about buying supplies through me. Our server has literally the shittiest economy and I make alot of money by selling things for what they should be. Not what the few people that actually do farm set the prices at. like 150-160 per stack of elementium and 500g per inferno ruby. This is outrageous and really pissed me off. So in turn Im helping out raiding guilds because we like competition and whats the point of raiding when your server cant even afford to raid.
I usually let people know after a while if i feel they are not some of the "bot haters". Usually after i tell them and how much i make it doesnt take more than a week before half the guild wants help set it up
About same as Quarian. As soon as people realise that im a botter, I give them a short explaination on what Honorbuddy can do. Within 24 hours they all want help to set it up.
1 person in my guild knows, the gm. she doesnt care because like a vast majority of the people here i have contributed the vast majority of mats in the gbank and donate regulary to the up an comers in the guild. To add to that when i joined the guild we had 60 members. since i was granted recriuiting permissions the ranks have swelled to 500 people again the vast majority through me. So to quote her reply "with out your efforts this guild would not be what it is today. on a side note based on peoples responses i find it contrdictory how Blizz makes us out to be to what the general attitude of the bot community really is. for example blizz makes out that we inflate the prices of mats when we tend to do the opisite.
I was a guild master of a raiding guild, they had their suspicions, as they used to all /w me in the middle of the night, but they didn't care much or look into it, i just claimed i was farming for the guild and couldn't multi-task (i.e. farm and type xP)
WOW! I total forgot that I had started this topic. Can't believe it is still alive and how many people are comfortable with botting
I have a very tight knit raiding guild and the majority of us bot mostly to get raiding supplies and fill up the guild bank. We consider ourselves casual, but get a lot done thanks to botting. (We are a 8/8 HM 10 man guild)
Well the term casual is totally subjective depending on how you look at it. During progression we raid 3 nights a week for 12 hours of raiding in a week. Once we have stuff on farm we try to get everything done in one night a week. A lot of guilds out there that consider themselves casual raid the same amount, but suck ass at it. What I would consider a hardcore guild is one that will raid 5-7 nights a week and put in hundreds of attempts every night on progression bosses.
Why, yes, you know the old saying "It takes a botter to know a botter, so your guild leader probably had a dirty secret of his own to be concerned about.
Ah really? You know that guilds take thousand of tries on bosses when new bosses come out/expansions? So if they don't kill it in 5 tries they suck? Get your facts straight and stop talking completely rubbish and nonsense. Thank you.
I told my guild I was botting with a slip of my tongue, now they all use it. (well the ones who use teamspeak)
Thousands of attempts? You must be mistaken sir. I was in a top 50 world guild for quite sometime. We never had thousands of attempts on a boss. Just saying.
Ragnaros HM world first survived 500+ tries from Paragon. And no, I don?t tell anyone in my guild. But my farmers are not in that guild. So I?m only have enough gold. But i dont by much stuff. Use HB for leveling and equip. Not for expensive mounts etc.
This is true, but many bosses have taken over 200+ attempts (Spine, Ragnaros). So saying that 100's of attempts is noob is pretty retarded. As to the topic of this thread, I usually let the officers of the guild that I am in know that I bot if I am botting on that character, and I usually in turn find at least 1-2 officers in every guild bot as well. It can actually provide a common ground between you and some officers and has led to conversations that have led to friendships with people I would otherwise not have talked to.