So for the last 3 days ive been trying to make the bot work, been using hb worked fine, seems like gb doesnt like me i used the setup video, did everything it said no profile wants to work the problem is that the bot flies way to high up so it doesnt gather anything and sometimes it even just flies up and stand still
hmm the only problem I can see is mabay redownload GB, and are you using a foreign keyboard, like not an english keyboard?
ok i am new here so i dont know what all messages of the bots say but.. your bot closed for this error: [10:51:26 PM:562]:Alarm: Crazy Unstick Move moving to waypoint: ( 4400.95, 2636.178, 432.1698 ) something should be going wrong with your keys - moves... idk =p wait for developers opinion should help. Wish i helped, Arty
im using a logitech keyboard and i have set my keyboard language to english like it says in the tutorial
No I get the Crazy Unstick error if you get stuck so mabay you are starting it in a bad place were it is getting stuck I am not sure. It will not harvest if you are being followed tho.
You might want to contact either tony, erenion, bossland, or hawker about this problem and they can assist you throught teamviewer.
i thought about that but my computer is danish so im thinking they wouldnt know how to get around on it
As long as they can see the settings and you can always explain the settings name's in english for them if they have a problem reading it. That is probably the most effective way to get help tho.
have you tried another profile? from what i have seen in your log you are trying a switching profile switching profiles atm are giving some bugs