Master Frost Death Knight Introduction This custom class is built around the Raid Bot, this can be found here: I have used, Elitist Jerks, MMO Champion to get the best rotation and priority order. For more information on Master Frost please see here: Frost DPS | Winter of Discontent [4.3] - Elitist Jerks This custom class does not pop any cooldowns so they are for you to do manually. Media No media yet, I have modified this from an old Singular class of mine. Source - Last Update: 9th May 2012 @ 3:00PM GitHub - Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Styx.Combat.CombatRoutine; using TreeSharp; using CommonBehaviors.Actions; using Styx; using Styx.Logic.Combat; using Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects; using Styx.Logic.Pathing; using Styx.Helpers; using System.Drawing; using Styx.WoWInternals; namespace RaidBot { public class DeathKnightMasterFrostRoutine : CombatRoutine { public delegate WoWUnit UnitSelectionDelegate(object context); public delegate bool SimpleBooleanDelegate(object context); public delegate WoWPoint LocationRetriverDelegate(object context); public override WoWClass Class { get { return WoWClass.DeathKnight; } } public override string Name { get { return "MasterFrost DeathKnight"; } } private Composite _root; public override Composite CombatBehavior { get { return _root ?? (_root = GetCombatBehavior()); } } private Composite GetCombatBehavior() { return new PrioritySelector( EnsureTarget(), Cast("Blood Tap", ret => GetAllRuneCooldowns(1, 2) > 2), Cast("Outbreak", ret => !HasMyAuraTimeLeft(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, "Frost Fever", 2) || !HasMyAuraTimeLeft(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, "Blood Plague", 2)), Cast("Howling Blast", ret => !HasMyAuraTimeLeft(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, "Frost Fever", 2)), Cast("Plague Strike", ret => !HasMyAuraTimeLeft(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, "Blood Plague", 2) && StyxWoW.Me.UnholyRuneCount == 2), Cast("Obliterate", ret => (StyxWoW.Me.DeathRuneCount == 2 && StyxWoW.Me.FrostRuneCount == 2) || (StyxWoW.Me.DeathRuneCount == 2 && StyxWoW.Me.UnholyRuneCount == 2) || (StyxWoW.Me.UnholyRuneCount == 2 && StyxWoW.Me.FrostRuneCount == 2)), Cast("Obliterate", ret => StyxWoW.Me.DeathRuneCount == 2 || StyxWoW.Me.UnholyRuneCount == 2 || StyxWoW.Me.FrostRuneCount == 2), Cast("Frost Strike", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentRunicPower >= 110), Cast("Howling Blast", ret => StyxWoW.Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Freezing Fog")), Cast("Obliterate", ret => StyxWoW.Me.UnholyRuneCount == 2 || GetAllRuneCooldowns(5, 6) < 2), Cast("Howling Blast", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentRunicPower < 90), Cast("Frost Strike", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentRunicPower > 90), Cast("Howling Blast", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentRunicPower < 60), Cast("Frost Strike"), Cast("Empower Rune Weapon", ret => GetAllRuneCooldowns(1, 2) + GetAllRuneCooldowns(3, 4) + GetAllRuneCooldowns(5, 6) > 8), Cast("Horn of Winter") ); } public Composite Cast(string spellName) { return Cast(spellName, ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget); } public Composite Cast(string spellName, UnitSelectionDelegate unit) { return Cast(spellName, unit, ret => true); } public Composite Cast(string spellName, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirement) { return Cast(spellName, ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget, requirement); } public Composite Cast(string spellName, UnitSelectionDelegate unit, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirement) { return new Decorator( ctx => SpellManager.CanCast(SpellManager.Spells[spellName], unit(ctx), false, false, true) && requirement(ctx), new TreeSharp.Action( ret => { Logging.Write(Color.Crimson, "Spell Cast[{0}]", spellName); SpellManager.Cast(spellName, unit(ret)); } ) ); } public Composite CastOnGround(string spellName, LocationRetriverDelegate onLocation, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirement) { return new Decorator( ret => requirement(ret) && onLocation != null && SpellManager.CanCast(spellName) && (StyxWoW.Me.Location.Distance(onLocation(ret)) <= SpellManager.Spells[spellName].MaxRange || SpellManager.Spells[spellName].MaxRange == 0), new Sequence( new TreeSharp.Action(ret => SpellManager.Cast(spellName)), new WaitContinue(1, ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell != null && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentPendingCursorSpell.Name == spellName, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()), new TreeSharp.Action(ret => LegacySpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(onLocation(ret))) ) ); } public Composite EnsureTarget() { return new Decorator(ctx => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()); } public bool HasMyAuraTimeLeft(WoWUnit unit, string aura, int timeLeft) { return unit.GetAllAuras().Any(a => a.Name == aura && a.CreatorGuid == StyxWoW.Me.Guid && a.TimeLeft.TotalSeconds > timeLeft); } public int GetAllRuneCooldowns(params int[] runes) { int cooldown = 0; foreach (int rune in runes) { cooldown += GetRuneCooldown(rune); } return cooldown; } public int GetRuneCooldown(int rune) { float finish = Lua.GetReturnVal<float>(string.Format("local start, dur, ready = GetRuneCooldown({0}); local finish = start + dur; return finish", rune), 0); float time_now = Lua.GetReturnVal<float>("return GetTime()", 0); return (int)Math.Round(finish - time_now); } } } Credits Singular Developers Apoc
Where you Dual Wielding? You need to be dual wielding and to reforge into mastery instead of haste for this to work very very well
just tested, worked great, idk about dps cuz im only 84 but, it worked really well and FAST ;O +rep <3
Another very good CC. The only thing I observed is that it cannot find a spare GCD to cast Horn of Winter.
nice cc, on a trainingdummy i make with my toon (itemlevel 385) 25dps, more then i doo with combatbot (17,5k).
if you were doing 17.5 using combat bot you are doing something wrong, my dk does around 30k at 380 on dummy and raid bosses. I AM NOT SAYING THE OP's CC DOESNT WORK BETTER.
I got the RaidBot after your post. Thanks for that. My question is the code you have in your first page do i use that as its own cc? Where is the CC he is talking about that everyone has used?
Im new to honor buddy im not sure how to make this work? Could anyone help me quickly please as its not a custom class??
ignore my last comment, pulled 36k dps on zon'ozz with this in LFR i think thats pretty good? Running dw 387 itemlvl
the only thing i can say for is the bot doesn't use obliterate enought -> this is my dps outlay - 1 frost strike - howling - meele - oblit. according to my recount thats what its saying, obliterate should be first tbh
Here's the CC as a file for those who dont know wtf to do Also are u able to implement the code for the 2 major cd's Pillar of Frost(1 min CD) and Raise Dead(3min CD)(please ensure pillar is cast first then raise dead is cast straight after as ur ghoul takes on the extra atribute from ur pillar of frost cd)?