The same happens to me. Although my major problem with my paladin i level atm (tesitng Kickass profiles) is how broken autoequip is try one of these talented builds whats problems do you have with AutoEquip
Many times, altough I am retri and have set weapon style to 2H etc, it rates House Wrynn Claymore - Item - World of Warcraft 4! This is a good sword 36-55 dmg is not used in favor of one 20-30. At redridge after completing Saving Foreman Oslow quest, autoequip selects Solomon's Gavel - Item - World of Warcraft as the reward (1H with intellect for the lazy) and REPLACES the blue 2H sword mentioned above! Other times, instead of selecting the mail pants from Report to Goldshire, (), it selected the shield... And many others. So, in order to actually be able to equip the proper weapon I either have to disable the plugin or sell/destroy the clearly inferior ones.